Ok, guys, I'mma make this one as short as possible while trying not to leave anything out.
Four Black Crusade PCs accidentally fly their ships into a warp storm, causing them to appear in orbit an unkown planet.
- A scheming-noone-knows-where-his-allegiance-lies Alpha Legionnaire. His origin is wrapped in mystery, his plans even more so. THe only known thing is that he travels around with a couple of other Alpha Legionnaires that he interchanges with.
- A perfectionist swordsman Pirate Prince with Fellowship out his ass, with a dream of seeing his name splashed all over the known galaxy in blood. Preferably other people's. (my char)
- An overly-friendly Plague Marine who has the unfortunate tendency to hug stuff to death. He has severe brain damage, causing him to experience and display intermitent bouts of blind indicscriminate berserking, neard childlike innocence and cold intelligent insight.
- A newlyborn sorcerer that crawled into a giant demon ****** as human with a massive chip on his shoulder and crawled out a marine with an even bigger one, along with a desire to watch the universe burn.
Long story short, the marines stayed on board while my character landed on the planet to do some exploration. Turns out we are in orbit of the wh fantasy world (before the end times) and I made contact with one of the minor atayanka of a castle on the outskirts of Kislev. She bought my story that I come from a far off kingdom and that I am willing to trade with her nation, as well as help her in fighting 'those dreaded chaos tribes from the north'. She also gave me some basic information about the kingdom of Bretonnia (that my character inferred was scretly ruled by Slaaneshi worshipping Marquis'), the human Empire led by Karl-Franz, and the Kislevite people and their leader, Tsarina Kattarin. The session ended with my character retiring for the night and an arrangement to take the atayanka and her entourage to my caravan (landed shuttle) and possibly to my kingdom.
I have managed to conceal the othewordly advancements for now and am considering a proper time (if ever) to display my 'hand'.
The next session will probably begin with me taking her to the shuttle where my minions will be able to overcome her entourage and I will be able to take her captive (or, alternately, persuade her to follow along willingly and without bloodshed). After that I have no idea how to continue.
To summarize: there are three highly unpredictable and more than likely dangerous Chaos Space Marines in the fight for the fate of this world, in addition to already present highly capable rulers. As a servant of Slaanesh with significant resources at my disposal, how do you recommend I go about conquering this marble with as little trouble as possible?
P.S. I have two ships in high orbit, numerous shuttles, about a hundred bloodthirsty khornates with combi bolters and outrider bikes, as well as a couple thousand of pirate raiders, two human-pilotable battlesuits that are between Terminatour and knight size, a retinue of four highly capable specialists (a ritualist, a tech priest, a diviner psyker and an assassin) and a massive storage of accumulated equpiment enough to outfit several IG regiments. I would, though, like to avoid just storming down like the Emperor and shocking and awing them into compliance.