Man I dislike flying rebels

By bgrelle, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Of course part of that is probably due to the list I threw together had no synergy and I had no experience flying any of it but overall the game just sucked. Flew this:

Chewbacca - Title, mercenary copilot

Tycho - rage, SD

Vander - BTL-A4, autoblaster turret


Dengar - Extra Munitions, Flechette Torpedoes, gunner, Deadeye, and I don't remember what else (or even if there was for that matter)

2X Cartel Marauders with a couple upgrades but I am not remembering what.

I didn't even take out a single ship (bad dice rolls caused this, and to be honest the bad dice is probably a big part of my loss but having two ships that only get a single evade dice hurts when you are used to 3+)

Rage Tycho was interesting though and his rerolls + focus helped him some but then no k-turns did hurt getting him back into the fight for a bit. Mostly I think the YT1300 is just too expensive to play with and have a good list (well combined with my limited number of rebel ships to use for said lists anyway).

I personally like to run daredevil on tycho so I can quickly get back to the fight also makes flying him more interesting as you can combine it with a variety of manuvers to pull some really crazy stuff. If you add PTL via awing test pilot you can boost too which makes peope flip because it's almost impossible to figure out where hes gonna go

Sadly I don't have the Rebel Aces Expansion to have access to A-wing Test Pilot or yes PTL would have made it even better, of course then I would have lost 3 points somewhere else too so I don't know. Again I think it was more about the YT1300 being too expensive for me and my wanting to have more than two ships on the table.

I have some thoughts on the list....

Tycho; nothing at all wrong with this setup, although you do need rebel aces in your life so you can have the test pilot title.

Nothing too much wrong with chewie either. The mercenary copilot is probably points best spent elsewhere, but it is providing a useful effect.

I would try and get hold of a c3po card and run that instead (the card was a participation prize for tourneys earlier in the year, so you may get lucky and pick one up cheap(ish)).

Dutch Vander is where the list falls down.

Autoblaster turret on a y-wing isn't the worst... Unless you combine it with the btl-a4 title.

He's just about playable without the title, but there are much better ways to spend 27 points; Biggs, a couple of z-95's, a generic t-70, even a b-wing.

Most of these options would also give you a couple of spare points to enhance the other two ships.

This post may have sounded overly negative, I do apologise for that. The only glaring fault I can see is the y-wing, but I do believe that may have killed the entire list.

Given the limited card pool you have access to, the other two ships are fine, you just need to replace Dutch.

Didn't think it was negative so no worries. This game was really more just an excuse to use some of the rebel stuff I have and throw a wrinkle into my games with the guy I play against the most. Thanks for the input.

As a rebel lover, I can tell you that play has gone downhill a bit for them in the last 6 months primarily due to wave 8 and Palpatine. Scum and Imperials have access to some incredibly powerful tools that can boost any given list to a whole new level. The rebellion does not, for the most part, have any such tools.

I agree with Namdoolb in that the A-wing is spot on. However, Chewy would benefit a low more here from Predator (If you have it) or PTL if yo don't. I'm going to guess you've got a Most Wanted pack, so you could use an autoblaster here, or a Gold Squadron pilot with Ion cannot turret might serve your purposes better and give you a few more points to play with. Rebel aces is the single most necessary pack for the rebels, so getting that alone shoud help you out here by making Tycho PS 10 with Veteran Instincts and A-wing Test Pilot.