Question about turns

By RIPferdy, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Question for those who saw the demo..

How do you select which direction (left/right) you are going to turn with the second dial? Xwing locks you into a right or left bank, and is a much fuller game because of it. I hope that runs wars has something similar and you can't just pick right or left when it is time to move.

Per the demo videos, you decide when you move which direction you turn. You're not locked into left/right turns like you are in X-Wing.

Question for those who saw the demo..

How do you select which direction (left/right) you are going to turn with the second dial? Xwing locks you into a right or left bank, and is a much fuller game because of it. I hope that runs wars has something similar and you can't just pick right or left when it is time to move.

Per the demo videos, you decide when you move which direction you turn. You're not locked into left/right turns like you are in X-Wing.

Yes, that seems to be the case. The Demo person specifically mentions that in this video:

I don't think that locking the direction makes a fuller game. It works well in X-wing, but this is an entirely different game system. Think about Armada, there is no pre-dialed maneuver in that game at all, and still works well.

I don't think that locking the direction makes a fuller game.

I'd agree, what makes that work in X-Wing is the idea that you pick a maneuver before know where the best spot to move is. It works great for a fighter based game, because fighters are constantly jockeying for position...

The same kind of dynamic however doesn't make sense for the much slower paced rank and file type game.