Some more errors in SoB

By Zombiemold, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Other than the few errors found already, 2 more were brought to my attention.

1: The Count's lieutenant "The Void" doesn't specify where it should enter the map. Since the Overlord location is inland, and none of the lieutenants can move inland, it would make his movement impossible.

I kind of house ruled that it being the only lieutenant that can move through the void, it would be fitting that he spawns there.

2: The town Dallak has a defense value, however it is the only city which is completely in land, again lieutenants cannot move inland so this defense value is useless.

I just figured it was for consistancy, possibly for addon content or home brews. Still confusing however.

Anyone else catch these or others?

in the rules two minor mistakes shileds instead of wheels and the second description of swimming is wrong.

Also the cardboard for the cavern entrance is the same as the whirlpool and it is bothering for two encounters! gran_risa.gif

Does it say in the rules that Lts can not move on overland trails, or is that something written on the Lt cards?

And how is the description of Swim wrong?

(I don't have the game yet, just the rules pdf)

Big Remy said:

Does it say in the rules that Lts can not move on overland trails, or is that something written on the Lt cards?

And how is the description of Swim wrong?

(I don't have the game yet, just the rules pdf)

the first time it is one fatigue per 2 points of armor, the second time it is 1 fatigue per points or armor (false!).

Did anyone notice the minions for lieutenants Darkwind and Soriss?

Soriss: 2 Nagas, 2 Master Nagas

Darkwind: 4 Razorwings, 3 Master Razorwings

The base game only comes with 1 Master Naga and 2 Master Razorwings.


That is interesting, since none of the expansions have extra Razorwings/Nagas, so it's not a mistake made from mixing all the components. It's a mistake from having too many components lying around :D


There's a few more minor ones which luckily shouldn't hinder your group, unless one of your players is trying very hard to cheat.

The rulebook gives two pictures of cannons on boats: once during a showing a cannon mount, and once during the actual cannon rules. The actual rules section is correct because the rules show the cannons set for a broadside, while the shows the cannon pointing to the front of the ship and not even within the two spaces provided by the lines lengua.gif .

The second is the skills chart showing what can be purchased by town. The skill "Riposte" is actually "Counterattack" and the skill "Spry" is actually a Subterfuge skill. This should not be a problem unless the overlord is crazy and says the book is referring to non-existant skills and it's tough luck for the players.

Typical FFG. They release a "updated" version of a very similar product and it's STILL riddled with typos, bugs, and poorly worded rules. Worst of all, I doubt they'll address these for several months.

Yeah, but we got Nara! I'll take the bugs with the fig ;)


On one encounter if the ennemy ship does an ambush it is immediately killed by a rock! preocupado.gif

reply to edroz

They have done this before. Your suppost to use a tan model as a master model. Not a big deal for most players but still sucky. bostezo.gif

I'd like to know how Swimming and the Swim ability have errors?

The swimming rules give different fatigue costs in a couple of places. Presumably the rule in the actual swimming section is correct.

James McMurray said:

The swimming rules give different fatigue costs in a couple of places. Presumably the rule in the actual swimming section is correct.

exactly! the rule in the summary of all capabilities is wrong! For one move in deep water it's 1 movement point and 1 fatigue + 1fatigue per 2 points of armor! gran_risa.gif

PBnJ said:

reply to edroz

They have done this before. Your suppost to use a tan model as a master model. Not a big deal for most players but still sucky. bostezo.gif

Sorry, wrong answer. The game only comes with 3 Nagas (2 normal and 1 master) and they are listing 4 (2 and 2). Same with the razorwings, they list 7 and the game comes with 6. So another monster figure will need to be used.

Yes they have done it before, sometimes with a note to use a stand in and sometimes not. If there was a note for a stand in I would not have mentioned it, but they didn't. Therefore it's an error in the game that will need to be noted.

grouik said:

James McMurray said:

The swimming rules give different fatigue costs in a couple of places. Presumably the rule in the actual swimming section is correct.

exactly! the rule in the summary of all capabilities is wrong! For one move in deep water it's 1 movement point and 1 fatigue + 1fatigue per 2 points of armor! gran_risa.gif

By "summary of all capabilities" do you mean the Collected Obstacles and Props section of the Sea of Blood campaign book that starts on page 35?

CanadianPittbull said:

By "summary of all capabilities" do you mean the Collected Obstacles and Props section of the Sea of Blood campaign book that starts on page 35?

yes page 38! gran_risa.gif