we are...the end has finally come.
This failure of a company has finally lived up to the expectations we've always believed in. At the end of the day, a board game company should have never tried to release card games, it was an incredibly dumb business that caused a large group of players to have a very BAD opinion of a company who you'd think would want to keep it's paying customers happy...While we can hope for another company to pick this up (and by God a few of us are already in the process of trying)...but as of right now, Fantasy Flight Games has epically failed...But I digress.
Being a part of this community has definitely had its ups and downs and it's been an incredible I've always said I will stick around till the last post is made and I will be the one to turn the lights out as it were. I know the community and the forums will eventually die off and before long there will be nothing left but memories.
"A scattered dream that's like a far off memory..." "A far off memory that's like a scattered dream..." "I want to line the pieces up..." "Yours and Mine..."
So leave your favorite memories of your time on the forums and your info if you'd like for us to keep in touch with ya.
~Mr. Dawn