Let Us Remember the Good Times...

By WayToTheDawn, in Hollow Bastion

So...here we are...the end has finally come.

This failure of a company has finally lived up to the expectations we've always believed in. At the end of the day, a board game company should have never tried to release card games, it was an incredibly dumb business decision...one that caused a large group of players to have a very BAD opinion of a company who you'd think would want to keep it's paying customers happy...While we can hope for another company to pick this up (and by God a few of us are already in the process of trying)...but as of right now, Fantasy Flight Games has epically failed...But I digress.

Being a part of this community has definitely had its ups and downs and it's been an incredible ride...as I've always said I will stick around till the last post is made and I will be the one to turn the lights out as it were. I know the community and the forums will eventually die off and before long there will be nothing left but memories.

"A scattered dream that's like a far off memory..." "A far off memory that's like a scattered dream..." "I want to line the pieces up..." "Yours and Mine..."

So leave your favorite memories of your time on the forums and your info if you'd like for us to keep in touch with ya.

~Mr. Dawn

The Keybearers team hands down...I made some of the greatest friends in my life there :,)

Wow.....the end.....I lack words....

WayToTheDawn said:

So...here we are...the end has finally come.

This failure of a company has finally lived up to the expectations we've always believed in. At the end of the day, a board game company should have never tried to release card games, it was an incredibly dumb business decision...one that caused a large group of players to have a very BAD opinion of a company who you'd think would want to keep it's paying customers happy...While we can hope for another company to pick this up (and by God a few of us are already in the process of trying)...but as of right now, Fantasy Flight Games has epically failed...But I digress.

Being a part of this community has definitely had its ups and downs and it's been an incredible ride...as I've always said I will stick around till the last post is made and I will be the one to turn the lights out as it were. I know the community and the forums will eventually die off and before long there will be nothing left but memories.

"A scattered dream that's like a far off memory..." "A far off memory that's like a scattered dream..." "I want to line the pieces up..." "Yours and Mine..."

So leave your favorite memories of your time on the forums and your info if you'd like for us to keep in touch with ya.

~Mr. Dawn

WayToTheDawn said:

So...here we are...the end has finally come.

This failure of a company has finally lived up to the expectations we've always believed in. At the end of the day, a board game company should have never tried to release card games, it was an incredibly dumb business decision...one that caused a large group of players to have a very BAD opinion of a company who you'd think would want to keep it's paying customers happy...While we can hope for another company to pick this up (and by God a few of us are already in the process of trying)...but as of right now, Fantasy Flight Games has epically failed...But I digress.

Being a part of this community has definitely had its ups and downs and it's been an incredible ride...as I've always said I will stick around till the last post is made and I will be the one to turn the lights out as it were. I know the community and the forums will eventually die off and before long there will be nothing left but memories.

"A scattered dream that's like a far off memory..." "A far off memory that's like a scattered dream..." "I want to line the pieces up..." "Yours and Mine..."

So leave your favorite memories of your time on the forums and your info if you'd like for us to keep in touch with ya.

~Mr. Dawn

I remember my first day here, it was Christmas of 07 and I just got my cards, I made a post with a list of them and asked for help building a deck. I used to be terrified of you and Nate, I forget who but there you, him and someone else were having a discussion about Cloud and Sephiroth and how you had 2 and were looking for Cloud, I had one but I never thought of speaking up, then I pulled a second the day after. I remember being new to the game and being one of the weakest players and then getting better so that I could play against Nate. I remember the good time and the bad. I will be there with you as well Brett. I'm not leaving this game or this board, or the Org board until the very very end.


Man I used to be SOOOOOOOOOOO scared of all of you guys until I accually met Nate on a site for SSBM :P I played him a few times over webcam and realised i didnt need to be so scared to speak up :P Im still playing this game and even though I havnt posted on here in awhile i'll still be on this forum till the end :)

****, I still remember the day I joined.

It was amidst the burgeoning flame war that was taking place between Organization 2.0 and what would become the Keybearers. I remember thinking I could single-handedly make everyone shut up, man I was cocky back then. Then again, I did join under the flag of Venominion.

I remember the flame wars, I remember the promotions, I remember the British invasion of the spam thread, reclaiming O&E, waiting anxiously for each set's release, all the new members over the years, stealing Nate's shovel, putting people in their place and being put in my place by others.

****. I feel all sentimental now.

Ahh memories. I still remember the days when I'd run home from school just because I wanted to see what I'd miss on the KH Forums. I remember the first time I tried to play this game, and even the last time I picked up my cards. Neither are really worth the memories lol

To FFG, I tip my hat off to you. I honestly cannot comprehed what you thought you were going to do with this game. Did you really think just putting these things on a few card game shelves was going to be enough to entice the masses? If anything, I hope you learned your lesson and never, ever attempt to take another game with almost limitless potential and crash it to the ground.

To the community, I commend you. Without the selfless efforts of it's truely devout members, this card game would have been dead a long time ago to so many people. I had never seen a community as great as this one, and I doubt I'll find one after it. The only truely good thing I can say FFG did with this game is name it, just so all of us could have come to meet one another.

Trothael said:

****, I still remember the day I joined.

It was amidst the burgeoning flame war that was taking place between Organization 2.0 and what would become the Keybearers. I remember thinking I could single-handedly make everyone shut up, man I was cocky back then. Then again, I did join under the flag of Venominion.

I remember that flame war, it was the first one I had ever been a part of...a flame war that oddly dissapeared from the old forums as I went looking for it awhile back when they were still available. I remember thinking it was quite symbolic, the original Organization Team turning on one another like the actual Organization...twas quite funny and I'm glad it managed to come full circle to what we all had originally imagined it to be.

The personal crusade I went on to keep the forums a friendly and douchebag free zone, The outcry for Mods to be appointed, Becoming a Mod, the great Team wars, The Nightmare Before Christmas Tournament with the Halloween Town Sora promo, card translations from giantbadger, I could go on for hours....but good ol' devilmonkey said it best:

devilmonkey said:

To the community, I commend you. Without the selfless efforts of it's truely devout members, this card game would have been dead a long time ago to so many people. I had never seen a community as great as this one, and I doubt I'll find one after it. The only truely good thing I can say FFG did with this game is name it, just so all of us could have come to meet one another.

Well, after some thought, I can't blame FFG for dropping CCG's (and wish at the very least it was after we got all the original cards) but this community is one of the best parts of owning and playing Kingdom Hearts TCG. I have only joined recently but feel welcomed and I am grateful for the information, rulings, and observations by my fellow gamers. I have no intention of simply dropping the game, and plan to continue to build and refine my collection, as well as keep an eye on the forums.

Thank you all for your support.

I'm not sure it counts as a 'good time' but the memory that sticks out in my head the most has to be the time that the 'Impersonator' or whatever he liked to call himself was posing as different forum members and admin. FFG was trying to take him out all day. XD

TokoTamer said:

I'm not sure it counts as a 'good time' but the memory that sticks out in my head the most has to be the time that the 'Impersonator' or whatever he liked to call himself was posing as different forum members and admin. FFG was trying to take him out all day. XD

Oh man, I really like him. He was a pretty cool dude, and he actually got the staff to do something XD

Gather around the fireplace, kiddas, I've got a story to tell. I've got enough marshmallows on a stick for all and my good friend Mr. Dawn has agreed to play some acoustic gee-tar for ambience. Anyway, cannae ramble, time to get to storytellin'! Now, this is gonna take a while so I advice yez hit the bathroom now! Once upon a time...

Long ago, in the ancient land of Hertfor'Ums there were two kingdoms. These kingdoms were the lords of the Organization XIII and The Keybearers Revived. They were peaceful kingdoms, good to the villagers and loyal to their followers, every day they spread wisdom and joy to the masses whom they ruled over together.

One day, some happenstance crossed between a Keybearer and an Organization member, friendly hellos were said but these somehow became twisted insults. They both went back to their respective castles with heavy hearts, each believing that the other was the evildoer. They spoke of grief to their comrades looking for condolence, but instead of condolence they were greeted with the makings of hostility. Both castles had been keeping a close eye on each other, and both now thought that the other were evil and ought to be blasted from their happy little land.

Questions were asked, messengers were sent, answers were given, but nobody liked the answers.

Some time passed and tension was high. Even the masses could feel it, and they stayed well away from their lords. Then somebody mentioned something about their overseers not being benevolent. Immediately both kingdoms scalded this man for being a liar, when both kingdoms saw the other accusing a member of their neutral villagers, they thought their suspicions finally confirmed.

Returning to their castles they armed for war, seeking to claim dominance over the land once and for all. War ensued between the two kingdoms. Their battleground was wherever two opposite factions crossed, devastating the land and throwing the public into disaray.

The battle raged for 10 days and 9 nights. On the tenth night as the high lords of both castle sought battle in a blood match, determined to strike down their two opponents for good. The 4 high lords met atop a hill in the parish of Odesend Endess, far from their home of Nu'Keyb Ehras. They summoned their odd, key-shaped blades to their hands and charged. The legendary Knight of Dawn struck at the stubborn knight, Gopherius and in turn Gopherius struck at his twilit opponent, both never able to strike the other. Meanwhile Sir Kaesin and his mysterious opponent, the Seer of Twilight were at each others throats, their weapons discarded as they descended into a red rage, evenly matched they circled each other waiting for an opening in order to strike.

The villagers stood at the base of the hill, some crying in support of their favoured sides, others praying for it to end without bloodshed.

It was at that moment that a light shone down upon the battlefield and the mythical and near-forgotten being known as Jay'Fer descended to the battlefield. His very presence stunned the four warriors, they all knelt in disbelief at the sight of the God they thought had long abandoned them. He spake unto them "My lost followers, you have lost your way. The masses cry for your blood and for you to desist, but your stubborn-headedness heeds no bounds. I can no longer trust these lands to defend themselves, so it is with heavy heart that I must make this decision." . Still knelt in disbelief the four knights realised what was about to pass. An ancient legend fortold of the ascension to Demigod-hood of the most legendary of warriors. Once again Jay'fer spoke to them: "By will of your forgotten followers, I name the knights of Dawn and Twilight as my successors to watch this land in my absence. They shall be the guardians of this place. Their new titles shall be Knight-Mo'dratus and their word shalt be law."

With this revelation the people rejoiced for the four knights were now divided by mortality and godhood. The Knights-Mo'dratus were invigorated, they sought to heal the scars left by their ancient and epic battles and again the people rejoiced. The knights of the Organization retreated to their castle where they became sullen and jealous, promising to never reveal themselves again lest it be necessary. Many seasons passed and the people were content with their new lords, always turning to them for guidance and seeking their court with many problems. The Knights-Mo'dratus saw a problem, that separated they were weak and that the many problems of the realm were too much for them to handle, but with heavy hearts they tackled it the best they could. Another season passed and the Knights-Mo'dratus were discouraged yet still. Word had come of invaders and a shadowy prophet had been sighted around the Nine Cities speaking of dark portents to come.

Odesend Endess became the home of foul beasts with neglect, the ancient battle site being untouched by those who remembered it's final battle. Hollaubastiet had become a fortress for the many people who were unsure of themselves. The newly established city-town of Agrath Babaza was the only haven from the people of Nu'Keyb Ehras who were jaded by the battles of the four knights. The Knights-Mo'dratus were busy slaying the beasts that plagued the intellectual city of Rulethdi and avenging the fallen of Ol'impyn and righting the wrongs of Gu Mygarathga. They could not hold back the tides of monsters and problems that assailed them from all sides though.

Then, in Hollaubastiet, the dark prophet appeared once more wearing a dark cloak and with his eyes blindfolded to shield him from sin. He claimed that the people had weakened under the rule of the Knights-Mo'dratus, and in turn they had weakened the God-Knights with their problems. Nobody could be everywhere at once and there were many lands to oversee and many people to help. He quoted the great knights of the past, and screamed unto the heavens that there would be a reckoning and that the Gods would avenge those fallen. Many spoke against him, most prominent were the baron of the wolfland, and the betrayer known for his deviance in tricking the great castles, these men were known as Flowing Nam and Raging Guts-ex. They shouted and screamed that the prophet was wrong, going so far as to rally others to their cause, chanting for death. The prophet removed his cloak and blindfold and revealed that he was the ancient Sir Kaesin, the knight-reclamator of castle Organization. Upon revealing his face, his ancient ally, Gopherius, jaded by hatred of Sir Kaesin's power turned to the two barons and declared that he would stand with them. Sir Kaesin was disheartened, but continued to repeat his speeches with added claims that though his former comrades may betray him, he would stand strong until the time was right. He continued to stand with his head held high, though hundreds cried for his death as a blasphemer and a liar. It was then that his salvation came; the Knights-Mo'dratus both arrived with word that the land was safe: the words of Sir Kaesin had drawn a mighty audience and the other cities lay unpopulated, their citizens watching this scene and choosing sides. The God-Knights said that they would not be the ones to decide the victor and would instead lie in the path that they had chosen; neutrality, dawn and twilight. Others vouched their support for the God-Knights and they laughed, telling them to choose a side lest the coming tide be overthrown by neutrality. The ancient and venerated Seventh Seer Of The Moon lay on the side of Sir Kaesin, rallying some of the realms greatest heroes, including the Demon-Apes-Summoner, The Tarot Breaker and the One Who Strides Downward.

Both sides almost seemed ready for a kind of combat that had not been seen in many seasons. People were screaming for blood and Sir Kaesin looked across at Gopherius and knew that something had to be done soon. Gopherius smirked and announced that he no longer needed the Organization or it's support, he would create a third kingdom that would rule the entirety of the land and he would rule it as he should have ruled the Organization had it not been for his greedy former ally, Kaesin. Insults flew between the two old friends and if something didn't happen soon then someone would die. It was then that Sir Kaesin yelled his true intentions to the heavens, that without unity the realm was destined to fall apart. It seemed almost ironic, and the people laughed, forgetting the true intentions of this facade. They took the message to heart though, and remembered that they were still one glorious community that should never fall apart. It was then that something truly extraordinary happened.

Once again, the clouds parted and Jay'Fer descended to the people of Hertfor'Ums were greeted by his powerful words. "It is once again that I come to you to fix a mistake that should never be. So easily were these people disheartened and their prayers reached me filled with anguish that should not be. Both my Knights lie exhausted and it is so that I must invigorate these lands once more. I raise two more to the status of Knight-Mo'dratus so that together the four may rule these lands with ease. The knights Kaesin and Gopherius will both know Demigodhood and they too shall rule these lands with peace and fair hands.". Once more Jay'Fer ascended to the heavens, happy with his new arrangements. Kaesin and Gopherius looked at each other, unsure of whether they should be rivals or friends, Kaesin extended an offer to re-join him at Castle Organization but Gopherius declined and left to form his own castle with new followers. Then the knights of Dawn and Twilight revealed their secret, they had prayed to Jay'Fer that their old enemies would join them as Knights-Mo'dratus since they were the only others worthy of such status.

It was with this that the Castle Of 13 Fountains was risen and it's followers became guardians of the realm. The lesser knights of the Organization and Keybearers also became guardians, with strict edicts from their Godly leaders to protect the lands when there were no Gods to be found. Soon the land became a bountiful place once again. The 3 castles and their four Demigod leaders could smile whilst they worked to defend the land from whatever it was that would cross them and the people rejoiced.

And everyone lived happily ever after.
Well...they almost lived happily ever after.

Now, now; kiddas. I gots to grab me some food and a drink because tellin' yez that story took it out of me. I's gots me some more ancient sagas from the land of Hertfor'Ums though, like the falling of the Thirteenth Fountain, the betrayl of the many Gods, the jester who fooled the masses, the sagas of the four knights from long before this story. If you want to hear one then yammer at me whilst I eat and maybe, just maybe, I'll tell yez one.

Dood, Truffles, that was awesomes!!

Do it again! Do another!

DOOD! I agree with Chotiz, do that again

Truffles...I love you.



Again! Again!

*eats marshmallow, now burnt from holding it over the fire too long listening to Truffle's story*

Bravo, a thousand times, Bravo

I was joking :P I'll write another anyhow once I've got some time spare.

Though at the moment...all I want to do is write "khaosknight, guts and namflow were all douchebags" over and over again...

Once upon a time...

Long before the time of the Knights-Mo'dratus, the four knights; Sir Kaesin, Gopherius, Knight of Dawn, Seer of Twilight rode throughout the lands of Hertfor'Ums, ruling from their castles and setting the problems of the villagers straight.

Once in the small town of Emessen, the mighty Sir Kaesin had stopped at a bakery to sate a burning hunger of his. This bakery was well known, and Sir Kaesin had often rode to this bakery to sample their most delicious cakes. With a full pouch of gold he entered, and left with an empty pouch and several of the best cakes this bakery had ever produced. He couldn't wait to get back to the Organization's castle and thought that he might eat one of these cakes there and then in the street before he rode to his castle.

It was at this moment that Sir Kaesin's second-in-command, the legendary Gopherius rode past. Gopherius stopped to greet his old friend when he saw Sir Kaesin cramming his mouth with cake. He faltered in his greeting and accidentally mumbled "Hello there, Cakes-in". Realising what he had just accidentally said, Gopherius broke out into gales of laughter whilst Sir Kaesin glowered at him. Nearby a villager had overheard what had just been said and had also broken out into laughter, hurriedly leaving to tell their friends. Sir Kaesin knew he had to act fast and jumped onto his horse with his stack of cake and made haste for the Organization's keep; Gopherius was riding past him in order to beat him there and spread this joke.

Gopherius managed to get there first and immediately started telling everyone. Sir Kaesin was mortified when he arrived to be greeted with "Hello there, Cakes-in" by his 13 knights. From that day forth, wherever he went, people greeted him with the nickname 'Cakes-in'. Never did that name leave him for the rest of his life.

And everyone but Sir Kaesin lived happily ever after.

I's gots yez another one soon.

Trothael said:

I was joking :P I'll write another anyhow once I've got some time spare.

Though at the moment...all I want to do is write "khaosknight, guts and namflow were all douchebags" over and over again...

Trothael said:

I was joking :P I'll write another anyhow once I've got some time spare.

Though at the moment...all I want to do is write "khaosknight, guts and namflow were all douchebags" over and over again...

I'd appreciate it if you didn't, they still are my former teammates. Besides if you did that I would be included in the all since I am a former Knight of Heart//FInal Alliance member, and we all know you love me Truffs ^_^

Love the new story *eats smore*

Roxas said:

Trothael said:

I was joking :P I'll write another anyhow once I've got some time spare.

Though at the moment...all I want to do is write "khaosknight, guts and namflow were all douchebags" over and over again...

I'd appreciate it if you didn't, they still are my former teammates. Besides if you did that I would be included in the all since I am a former Knight of Heart//FInal Alliance member, and we all know you love me Truffs ^_^

Love the new story *eats smore*

I don't have a problem with the KoH or the Final Alliance. Just Guts, Khaos and Nam. They caused me far too many problems and the latter two were huge backseat moderators.

I'mma side with Truffles on this one...they were just horrible, idiotic, "holier then though" douchebags...it has nothing to do with the team you were on or you in general...