A little something-something

By Trothael, in Odds & Ends

Well, it looks like this is the end.

It's been 2 years, some of us have been here since the start, some of us haven't but still managed to be some of the best players at this game, ever.

We've seen a lot, been through a lot so on and so forth. Imagine I'm going somewhere meaningful with this.

Anyhow, just in case anybody is sentimental about the community as I am and doesn't want to lose contact with some of our old friends, I thought I'd make this thread for us to share contact details. Mebbeh one day we could all get together for a brand new TCG and start our own online team :3

My name's Richard. My screen name's Choitz. Call me Cho for short.

Some friends call me Jack. Some friends call be Blue. Some friends call me Capt'n. My stories behind them.

I would like to state that I do not, in any way, shape, or form, wish to lose my friends, even though we've may have lost a great game.

My email is e_gima@hotmail.com. I will be more than happy to reply to any 'n every email sent. However, please at least type in the subject somethin along the lines of Kingdom Hearts TCG, or even KHTCG, so I may know that the emails are not spam letters.

With all said 'n done, my love for this game still goes on, despite the turn of events. For all who wish to keep in touch, by all means, I'm here.

'N I hope you will be as well.

My name's Chris. Otherwise known as Card_Breaker.

I may not have a lot to say but you can send me emails to cbeng973@gmail.com.

It's been a great game that I enjoyed from the beginning to the end. Tis sad how it must come to such an end as it is coming. I'll still be here until the game's death is finished, but after that feel free to email me. I'd love to share another TCG with you guys.

My name is Josh. I've been here almost since the beginning and rose from a complete noob to arguably one of the best duelists in the game.

AIM: zestybbqsauce09
MSN: Silverizer@live.com
email: stothersj91@yahoo.com (I check this more often for school so I will be more timely will it)

and I have facebook so if you know any of the organzation just look for the Umbreon (for the time being)

Even though I think I already have most of you on FB and IM

Email: (not best method of contact for me) Ecomicsinc@gmail.com

AIM: Ecomics21

MSN: Ecomics21@gmail.com

Yahoo: Ecomics21

Skype: Ecomics21

Facebook: Ethan Simpson

I'm Brett...WayToTheDawn...or Mr. Dawn as Nate coined way back in the early days, lol.

I believe I also have most of you on Facebook already, but to those who don't...I look forward to keeping in touch with you all, you've been some great friends and I'd hate to lose that.

Email: Straight_Edger2021@hotmail.com

AIM: SharinganGigante

Yahoo: Straight_Edger2021

MSN: Same as Email

Facebook: Brett Wright

Nick Major (aka devilmonkey )

Facebook: Nick Major (South San Francisco, CA)
Email: majordevilmonkey@yahoo.com
AIM: majordevilmonkey
MSN: majordevilmonkey@hotmail.com (rarely use it)

Man...I still remember when I first came on the old forums. I remember old Ragrarook , Badger and kakashihatake . Even Ulquiorra . Good times, gooood times

Might as well drop mine as well.

Facebook - Liam Stanway, Staffordshire/Stoke-On-Trent, England

MSN - the_flames_of_damnation@hotmail.co.uk

AIM/regular e-mail address - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Skype - Trothael

If you can't find me, just search around for Trothael.

Kevin-Éric Bouchard. Let's all meet up on Facebook!

I want to change Choitz, Roxas and Breaker's posts to say "Hi, I'm X and I'm an alcoholic"...

Trothael said:

I want to change Choitz, Roxas and Breaker's posts to say "Hi, I'm X and I'm an alcoholic"...

Oh darn. You found me out

Hi, I'm Roxas and I'm an alcoholic

WeirdUsername said:

Kevin-Éric Bouchard. Let's all meet up on Facebook!

Quebec player/collector?

anyways, i may haven't been very active here, but i do collect KH cards (well, for what i can get)

So, if any of you want to contact me:

msn: renequished@hotmail.com

aim: renequished

facebook: René Cloutier

skype(at your own risks :P ) captain_ren

psn: lord_of_mudkips