Dice and rune faces

By Ubul, in Runewars Miniatures Game

I mapped the layout of the dice and runes if anyone interested:

Red die: blank / blank / hit / hit / morale / hit-hit / hit-morale / hit-surge

Blue die: blank / hit / hit / surge / accuracy / hit-surge / hit-accuracy / surge-surge

White die: blank / mortal strike / hit / hit / hit / hit-hit / hit-surge / hit-surge / hit-accuracy / hit-moral / surge-surge / surge-moral

Rune 1: blank / red-red

Rune 2: green / red-red

Rune 3: blank / green

Rune 4: green / blue

Rune 5: blue / blue

Edited by Ubul

Thank you for this great piece of information! I hope you don't mind that I used it to get a Dice Calculator up and running ;) .

Thank you very much for the information wise red and blue dice, and 10-sided die now I have white full.

I mapped the layout of the dice and runes if anyone interested:

Red die: blank / blank / hit / hit / morale / hit-hit / hit-morale / hit-surge

Blue die: blank / hit / hit / surge / accuracy / hit-surge / hit-accuracy / surge-surge

White die: blank / mortal strike / hit / hit / hit / hit-hit / hit-surge / hit-surge / hit-accuracy / hit-moral / surge-surge / surge-moral

Rune 1: blank / red-red

Rune 2: green / red-red

Rune 3: blank / green

Rune 4: green / blue

Rune 5: blue / blue

Interesting. Far fewer blanks then I expected. And one rune will always give a blue result? I wonder if there are other rules that play into rune selection.

Interesting. Seems like they're balancing it as a roughly 1/8 - 3/8 chance of blanking on the red and blue dice (sometimes symbols will be situationally the same as a blank), just enough to make a reroll really valuable.

The one blank on the white die seems cruel. Hero units are rarely going to have a second rank to reroll right?

The one blank on the white die seems cruel. Hero units are rarely going to have a second rank to reroll right?

True facts. Though we've only got two heroes so far and one of them has the Precise 1 ability, so she can re-roll as if she had the extra rank. I'm sure with the full game, there will be other ways to enable some re-rolling.

Other than that, yeah, sometimes it sucks to suck, even for heroes. Thankfully it's only a 1/12 chance per die.

Heroes can be added to units too though can't they ?

The one blank on the white die seems cruel. Hero units are rarely going to have a second rank to reroll right?

True facts. Though we've only got two heroes so far and one of them has the Precise 1 ability, so she can re-roll as if she had the extra rank. I'm sure with the full game, there will be other ways to enable some re-rolling.

Other than that, yeah, sometimes it sucks to suck, even for heroes. Thankfully it's only a 1/12 chance per die.

Ah yes, seems she is a force to be reckoned with.

The 1/12 chance to blank out gives me heart attacks. In 40k everything has such a massive built in chance to fail, so you kinda expect it. With this everything is super consistent apart from a chance to just completely flunk. Not sure how I feel about it haha

The 1/12 chance to blank out gives me heart attacks. In 40k everything has such a massive built in chance to fail, so you kinda expect it. With this everything is super consistent apart from a chance to just completely flunk. Not sure how I feel about it haha

And you KNOW that blank's going to follow Murphy's Law and wreck you every chance it gets. You'll find yourself at every hinge moment of a game and see that clean, white plastic just gleaming up at you.

The 1/12 chance to blank out gives me heart attacks. In 40k everything has such a massive built in chance to fail, so you kinda expect it. With this everything is super consistent apart from a chance to just completely flunk. Not sure how I feel about it haha

And you KNOW that blank's going to follow Murphy's Law and wreck you every chance it gets. You'll find yourself at every hinge moment of a game and see that clean, white plastic just gleaming up at you.

:D :D :D

So true. Happens in Armada all the time, low chance of a complete miss and you often don't have a chance like that again all game.

I guess the alternatives are 40k esque pillow fights where everything has a fairly high chance of pillow fighting, or ultra consistent damage with no blanks, but maybe it does lose some of the excitement. Would RuneWars be the same without that reasonably small chance of failure?

The best laid plans of dice and (plastic) men.....

The boom and bust nature of FFG probabilities tend to be geared towards speeding up games.

I'm sure in a couple of expansions there will be enough mitigating cards and abilities to support a proper turtle play. At which point the inevitable power creep will begin. It looks like it'll be a fun game until that point though, I'm pumped.

I'd say 1/12 is totally ok, yes it is super annoying if it happens but that is just part of the game.

Even Lord Awesome McAwesome, clad in his ass kicking boots, his 5+ magical armour of steadfastness, his Bad-Ass bandana and carrying his trusty old Vorpal Sword should miss and do/get nothing from time to time.

It's better than rolling up a 1 in 6 chance of negating everything about the attack no matter what was rolled on the other dice. *cough* Descent, Imperial Assualt *cough*

It's better than rolling up a 1 in 6 chance of negating everything about the attack no matter what was rolled on the other dice. *cough* Descent, Imperial Assualt *cough*

**** you X-Men!

Although considering I run Rebels usually it's Woohoo X-Men!

On 8/25/2016 at 4:28 AM, maul said:

Thank you very much for the information wise red and blue dice, and 10-sided die now I have white full.

10? Surely you mean twelve.

The white blanks are both fickle and hilarious. The look on my opponents face when Ardus rolled double blank whites... muahahahah (It is completely offset by the time he rolled double double hits and reaped the crap out of my forces)

Edited by Darthain
16 minutes ago, Darthain said:

10? Seguramente quiere decir doce.

UPsssss :lol: :lol:

I Dunno I was thinking of taking Maegan Cyndewin for Latari and giving her the Reaping Blade. She has around a 55% chance of getting at least 1 blank and any blank faces cause a Mortal Strike.