G- 8 Experimental Projector and Navigate command/tokens order

By Payens81, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hi everyone,

I believe there is a thread on this question already but I am not sure if we got to an answer or not.

I was playing with a friend last night and we were trying to figure out which is supposed to go first the Navigate command/Token to increase or decrease your speed or the G-8 projector? Because one does affect the other and if you want to use it.

From what we could tell in the rules and the wording that it almost seemed like either or could be used at any point during the determine course step which was really confusing. So we made a house rule but was wondering if the community has come a conciseness on this or not.


And for any other further information on the subject, its best to read the other thread...... Its just that confused.

Ha okay thank you.