Use Two Bows? Legal, but not right

By Osbo25, in Talisman Rules Questions

I was playing the D.E. tonight, and one of the A.I. characters used two bows in a single combat. Since the bow is not classified as a weapon, this is legal.

It's kind of like using two Warhorses. Nothing prohibits it, but it seems to go against the logical possibilities within a combat. You can't ride two Warhorses into combat. Neither can you fire two bows.

The bow should be classified as a weapon, but one that permits you to use one additional non-bow weapon in the combat itself. (The Warrior would then be able to use the bow plus his regular two non-bow weapons.)

It would appear that the purpose of not classifying it as a weapon would be to permit the bow to be used in addition to another weapon.

Either way, be on the lookout for using extra bows. It can be done.

Yep its allowed but like you say really in "real life" it makes no sense. I suppose the cost of so much gold is some-sort or negative to using 2 or more at a time. It would be a good house rule though.

Why not two bows? There is no time frame reference to combat. Maybe he has one longbow for really long distance shots to open up the engagement and a short bow, something more compact for closer shots?

Why not two bows? There is no time frame reference to combat. Maybe he has one longbow for really long distance shots to open up the engagement and a short bow, something more compact for closer shots?

I don't think Osbo25 is saying it "can't be done" just that its sounds a bit unfair just like 2 warhorses. We all know it can be done and is allowed totally. I think its more of a Ethical argument. As if you have Ethics in Talisman anyway.

But I do like your reasoning there Dam like a Machine Bow :) .

I comprehend your point of view.
I fixed the Bow of real life using the same dynamics of Elven Bow.
Now, the Elven Bow is actually better than Bow. Even the price of the Bow is justified.

Add 1 to your Strength during battle.
If you lose a battle by 1, it is considered a stand-off instead.

ps: thanks Uvatha for info about Strange Eons
Edited by Filippo

Ethics? Pfft. There can be only one winner at the end, doesn't matter how you got there. Though preferrably over the corpses of your opponents :P .

Ethics? Pfft. There can be only one winner at the end, doesn't matter how you got there. Though preferrably over the corpses of your opponents :P .

Yep that's why I said "As if you have Ethics in Talisman anyway", its a game and if you are that much of a "sore loser" maybe you should not be playing. Do your worse I say :) .