I know some people find her tired, but I REALLY love Ahsoka...
EDIT: Also, thank you, Brad! I was hoping you'd complain about not having enough "Likes" so that I could finally like something! That was the deal, right
I know some people find her tired, but I REALLY love Ahsoka...
EDIT: Also, thank you, Brad! I was hoping you'd complain about not having enough "Likes" so that I could finally like something! That was the deal, right
My absolute favorite image from the F&D core book - yes, even more than the Star Destroyer one (you all know which one I'm talking about)!
The subtlety, the mystery, the mysticism that comes through in that one simple gesture that she's giving her student...it's exquisite! 11/10, would commission again!
My daughter said she didn't want to play a zabrak and thought they were gross looking. Then I showed her this picture and now she thinks they're exotic and awesome looking
Hey there, Appleseed.
Hey there, Appleseed.
One of my PCs in my campaign is designing his Droid's aesthetic based on Briareos. So yeah. It's on my mind.
It's tough to find that really Star Warsy style. The vehicles have to have a sort of flying 57 chevy with extra tubes look. The guns have to be that stylized WW2 look, which is why the Wolfenstein stuff is a no brainer. The droids in a lot of ways are a robot built to serve a function or a toolbox with arms n legs.