I don't think the script went into that exact detail , no... Sure it could have been a mistake, but the actual interaction that did happen in the movie was good. Maybe he couldn't face Leia and speak to her in a langusage she couldn't understand. But yea, they might have overlooked it, idk... And if the scene description or storyboard actually did go into that, that is a different kind of writing than both character dialogue and the broader preproduction writing and planning I talk about when I think of Ilum and Starkiller Base origin place being on the exact same spot in the G7 grid on the map. Of course it could all be coincidence, but I doubt it. Of course I could be wrong, I'm not force sensitive, it could all be clumsy preproduction writing or a cheap red herring to mess with the fans... But why?
I have studied this stuff, have a super nerdy bachelor's degree in animation, I have read lots of scripts, and pre-prod plans and have illustrated some storyboards and to me the only thing that makes sense when it comes to placing them on the exact same place on the established fictional map is that it means SOMETHING
Edited by RodianClone