So this weekend was UK nationals and the first i have had the pleasure to attend. Unfortunately work and real life have been ruthless in their demand for time recently so my X-wing game count has been low. Since the only regional I entered in July, I've managed a whopping 2 games (both playing around with the new defenders) and one game of epic. Clearly not enough practise to be thinking of anything new so my mini swarm went back in my tourney box. For those of you not familiar the list is;
Omega leader w/ juke/comms
Zeta leader w/ juke/comms.
Howlie w/ crackshot
2 X blacks w/ crackshot
100 points.
I've discussed the list and general tactics a few times before now so I'm not going to rehash any of that. Hopefully that will keep things a bit briefer.
Round 1
Recon spec
Two tanky pancakes but no engine upgrades. Both lower ps than my FO's and one with a doughnut. Should be an ok first round.
I set up standard on the left and he sets up to opposite, facing the left board edge, chewie then leebo. There are two roids this side of the board and one central ish. I rush at him with 5's and he turns in with both, rolling leebo behind chewie again. Next turn I carry on full pelt whilst he edges forwards. I just miss the block on chewie. It doesn't matter as I have a ton of range 1 and the opening round sees a black take one damage and chewie is destroyed. Next round I one turn to stay in tight to leebo and block him. It works, and all ships are at range 1. Only OL has a shot but he puts 3 damage on. Next round I turn back around im facing my board edge now. I miss the block but using my crackshots (I still have 2 of them at this point!) I get leebo down to a couple hull. His attack whiffs. Next turn he's toast.
Win 100 - 0.
A good one for the first round nerves and another reasonably fat ship goes on the single round knockout list for these ruthless ties. Just the decimator left they haven't eaten up in a single round now.
Round 2
IG88 B
Fire control
Tractor beam
IG88 C
as above with HLC
Stupid brobots. Ultimately the question is can I block him enough here to force my damage through. I set up left and he goes on my right. He stalls a bit the first few rounds whilst I wizz up the left and hard turn into the board. I have to split a little for rocks. I speed in across the board and the first engagement is not in my favour, being at range 3 and my back ties not having shots, but it takes a glitterstim, a crackshot and both bots firing to kill a single black. I take one shield off of B. The next round I get the block on b, and c then bumps him. I unload what I can into B putting him to hull and knock a shield off of C to boot. In return I think Zeta leader loses a shield and the other black takes a damage. He next turn he wriggles free but I put damage on B with my FO's whilst The bots have no shots and C is harassed by the remaining ties. Next turn B goes down and I've still got 4 bodies up and running. The rest of the game is me chasing C around and whittling him down whilst keeping my injured fighters alive. All goes well and I finally finish C just as time is called.
Win 100 - 15
I was lucky not to be hurt worse on the opening engagement and was then able to pile on good damage on in the following turn with howlie still intact. It was a hard place for the IG's to come back from and despite the score line it was a pretty close for the most part.