SummoNerds play X-Wing!

By Crimson36, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Hey everyone, a friend of mine and I started a youtube channel for boardgames with commentary. Basically we try to play the game competitively and teach newer players to get better, while still being entertaining for the older players. We started almost a year ago with a game called Summoner Wars, but this week we're putting up our first X-Wing video! I will say we aren't as competitive at X-Wing as we are in the Summoner Wars community (we made a mistake or two in our first recorded game that I think you'll all laugh at), but we hope to fix that quickly and get better with your comments and guidance.

I figured I'd just keep updating this post with our new videos and post previews of the matches beforehand for you to build the anticipation! Our first video will go up this Friday at noon EST (a frequent release time for our videos). Until then, I'll just leave the link to our channel page.

SummoNerds Channel

Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

Game 4:

Game 5:

Game 6:

Game 7:

Game 8:

Game 9:

Game 10:

Game 11:

Game 12: Holy Hera vs Palp Aces
Game 13: Youngster Swarm vs The Dawn Caster

Game 14: Holy Hera vs The Dawn Caster

Game 15: Holy Hera vs The Dawn Caster (2)

Game 16: Holy Hera vs The Dawn Caster (3)

Game 17: Fenntressaroo vs Holy Hera

Game 18: Dengaroo vs Palp Combo

Local Tournament 1

Local Tournament 2

Evan vs Matt: 9-10

Edited by Crimson36

Our first matchup is this, I, Evan, am playing a Bossk-based Scum and Villiany squad vs Matt, who is playing an Imperial Aces squad. We're playing 75 minute matches, as per the tournament rules, on a 3'x3' mat. The actual squad lists are here:

Bossk (48): YV-666 (35), Hounds Tooth (6), Veteran Instincts (1), "Mangler" Cannon (4), Mercenary Copilot (2)

Guri (38): Starviper (30), Virago (1), Autothrusters (2), Accuracy Correcter (2), Cloaking Device (3), Adaptability (0)

Cartel Spacer (14): M3-A Interceptor (14)

Soontir Fel (32): TIE Interceptor (27), Push the Limit (3), Autothrusters (2)

Echo (35): TIE Phantom (30), Advanced Cloaking Device (4), Veteran Instincts (1)

Bounty Hunter (33): Firespray-31 (33)

So here is our question we always ask for the channel, based on this matchup, who do you think will win and why?

Also while you're at it feel free to critique our squads and offer any other comments you may have. I know for example that my Bossk wasn't very point efficient, I've since reworked my squad and it's much more efficient now (no more mercenary copilot or hounds tooth).

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

Our first video is up! Take a look and tell us what you think! We'll get our next one up as soon as we can.

Alright, we've got another game for you this week. I think it's a pretty cool lineup, we'll see what you think about it. I am flying what I'm calling the "Decivader" against another Imperial Aces squad flown by Matt, but this time it's a triple Aces squad, no support ships to be seen! Let us know who you think will win this one based on squad build or good looks (pick me!) and the video will go up Friday at noon EST.

Squad Lists:


Captain Oicunn (57): V-49 Decimator (42), Darth Vader (3), Ysanne Isard (4), Gunner (5), Tactical Jammer (1), Intimidation (1)

Academy Pilot (12): Tie Fighter (12)

Academy Pilot (12): Tie Fighter (12)

Alpha Squadron Pilot (18): Tie Interceptor (18)


Darth Vader (30): Tie Advanced (29), Veteran Instincts (1)

Carnor Jax (33): Tie Interceptor (26), Outmaneuver (4), Stealth Device (3)

Soontir Fel (37): Tie Interceptor (27), Royal Guard TIE (0), Stealth Device (3), Shield Upgrade (4), Push the Limit (3)

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

The new game is up! Let us know what you think! I'll give a preview about next week's game early next week.

Ok, we've got another match coming this weekend. This time I'm flying a rebel squad, and a slightly atypical one at that. It's a Rebel Aces squad, focused on high agility units with great movement dials and Push the Limit, against Matt flying a Rexler Brath + HLC and Boba Fett (Brathba?) with crazy movement changing options build. My little fighters have got less firepower, similar agility, and less hit points than Matt's squad, but their arc dodging is not to be underestimated against Matt's primarily Joust-focused force. Who's going to take this one? You'll find out this weekend. Feel free to leave your prediction on who will win this one and your reasoning for your assumption. Here are the squad lists:

Evan: (Rebel Aces)

Jake Farrell (31): A-Wing (24), A-Wing Test Pilot (0), Push the Limit (3), Wired (1), Proton Rockets (3)

Tycho Celchu (33): A-Wing (26), A-Wing Test Pilot (0), Push the Limit (3), Veteran Instincts (1), Proton Rockets (3)

Corran Horn (36): E-Wing (35), R2 Astromech (1), Adaptability (0)

Matt: (Brathba)

Rexler Brath (45): Tie Defender (37), Heavy Laser Cannon (7), Veteran Instincts (1)

Boba Fett (43): Firespray-31 (39), Navigator (3), Tractor Beam (1)

Academy Pilot (12): Tie Fighter (12)

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

The new game is up! I hope you all enjoy it. We'll have a new one up next week, same time same place. I'll give the squad lists sometime next week as a preview.

We've got a new coming this Friday! I'm flying a two large-base ship squad with tons of upgrades, while Matt is flying another Rexler Brath squad, this time replacing Boba Fett with a Decimator. Matt's tweaked his squad and is looking for revenge, will my two large ships and their upgrades be up to the task, or will Matt's changes prove too much for them? Let us know what you think, and the video will be up this Friday!

Evan: (Bossgar)

Bossk (46): YV-666 (35), Veteran Instincts (1), Mangler Cannon (4), Outlaw Tech (2), Greedo (1), Boba Fett (1), Anti-Pursuit Lasers (2)

Dengar (54): Jumpmaster 5000 (33), Punishing One (12), Adaptability (0), R5-P8 (3), Gunner (5), Glitterstim (2)

Matt: (Brath's Revenge)

Rexler Brath (45): Tie Defender (37), Heavy Laser Cannon (7), Veteran Instincts (1)

Patrol Leader (43): V-49 Decimator (40), Fleet Officer (3)

Academy Pilot (12): Tie Fighter (12)

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

The new game is up! Give it a watch and let us know what you think!

We have an upcoming game to preview this week! Matt decides he loves TIE Defenders and tries out a TIE/D build with Ion Cannons and a support/vader Lambda Shuttle. In the other corner is Evan's B-Wing squad, two B-wings loaded up with decent upgrades and ordinance and a Lieutenant Blount with some Ion Missiles ready to wreck someone's day. The B-Wings can do some serious and reliable damage, but the TIE Defenders with their Ion Cannons and white K-turns have a big maneuvering edge. Let us know if you think one of them will win!

Squad Lists:


Colonel Vessery (39): TIE Defender (35), Ion Cannon (3), TIE/D (0), Crack Shot (1)

Omicron Group Leader (28): Lambda-Class Shuttle (21), Darth Vader (3), ST 321 (3), Tractor Beam (1)

Delta Squadron Pilot (33): TIE Defender (30), Ion Cannon (3), TIE/D (0)


Ten Numb (38): B-Wing (31), Marksman (3), Guidance Chips (0), Proton Torpedoes (4)

Keyan Farlander (42): B-Wing (29), Nien Nunb (1), B-Wing/E2 (1) Fire Control System (2), Adv. Proton Torpedoes (6), Push the Limit (3)

Lieutenant Blount (20): Z-95 Headhunter (17), Adaptability (0), Ion Pulse Missiles (3), Guidance Chips (0)

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

And the game is up! Let us know what you think! I really liked the feel of my squad and I think Matt's squad was really onto something.

Ok, we have a new game coming pretty soon! It won't be up Friday like most of our games because our filming schedule got a bit thrown off, but it should be up this weekend sometime. Anyway, on to the matchup!
I'm flying a squad all about Poe Dameron. He's the big man who can lay on the hurt each turn, while my other two ships are purely support ships. That means I have to be careful with Poe, but as long as he lives I have a force to be reckoned with on the board. Also I'm particularly fond of this build for two reasons, it includes my favorite ship in the game (HWK-290) and it was the first decent build I made when Matt and I were just beginning to play. Matt is flying an interesting hybrid build, combining aces and tanky jousters to lay the pain on early and have late game survivability. Perhaps the most interesting part of Matt's build is his Tomax Bren TIE Shuttle, a support ship with two crew members as opposed to a torpedo or missile ship. Let us know what you think! Here are the specific lists.


Soontir Fel (30): TIE Interceptor (27), Push the Limit (3)

Tomax Bren (31): TIE Bomber (24), TIE Shuttle (0), Weapons Engineer (3), Fleet Officer (3), Adreneline Rush (1)

Colonel Vessary (39): TIE Defender (35), Veteran Instincts (1), TIE/D (0), Ion Cannon (3)


"Dutch" Vander (26): Y-Wing (23), Plasma Torpedoes (3), Guidance Chips (0)

Kyle Katarn (33): HWK-290 (21), Adaptability (0), Moldy Crow (3), Recon Specialist (3), Twin Laser Turret (6)

Poe Dameron (41): T-70 X-Wing (31), Adaptability (0), R2-D2 (4), Proton Torpedoes (4), Weapons Guidance (2), Guidance Chips (0)

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

Quick update, our film schedule got messed up this week. We will hopefully have the new video up next Friday, but won't have anything until then. Sorry about that.

We'll have the new video up tomorrow at noon EST! Check it out! It's a pretty short violent match so it's fun to watch in that respect. Dice flyin' everywhere.

Sorry there hasn't been an update in a while! Matt and I are getting together late this week to get some videos ready. Should have one up this weekend sometime. Thanks for your patience. We finally have a good collection of ships going, I think we're going to be getting some more interesting squads built for you soon!

We've got a new game going up tomorrow! I think it's a good one. Matt is trying his hand with Brobots (his first non-Imperial game ever), while I'm trying a build with TIE Bombers! Here are the lists, let us know what you think!

Matt (99):

IG-88C (46): Aggressor assault fighter (36), Veteran Instincts (1), IG-2000 (0), Mangler Cannon (4), Accuracy Corrector (3), Autothrusters (2)

IG-88B (53): Aggressor assault fighter (36), Veteran Instincts (1), IG-2000 (0), Mangler Cannon (4), Autoblaster (5), Accuracy Corrector (3), Glitterstim (2), Autothrusters (2)

Evan (99):

Countess Ryad (35): TIE Defender (34), Adaptability (0), TIE/D (0), Tractor Beam (1)

Captain Jonus (28): TIE Bomber (22), TIE Shuttle (0), Draw Their Fire (1), Systems Officer (2), Fleet Officer (3)

Major Rhymer (36): TIE Bomber (26), Adaptability (0), Cluster Missiles (4), Proton Torpedoes (4), Guidance Chips (0), Extra Munitions (2)

It'll be up tomorrow at noon EST. SummoNerds out!

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

It's up! Let us know what you think!

We have a new one coming out today at noon EST! Sorry for the short notice. Matt's flying Palp Aces and Evan is flying a weird Rebel list not based on any central idea (just three good ships with their own strengths/weaknesses). Here are the lists:


Soontir Fel (35): TIE Interceptor (27), Push the Limit (3), Stealth Device (3), Autothrusters (2), Royal Guard TIE (0)

Darth Vader (36): TIE Advanced (29), Stealth Device (3), Predator (3), Advanced Targeting Computer (1), TIE/x1 (0)

Omicron Group Pilot (29): Lambda Shuttle (21), Emperor Palpatine (8)


Chewbacca (46): YT-1300 (42), Millenium Falcon (1), Anti-Pursuit Lasers (2), Draw Their Fire (1)

Keyan Farlander (34): B-Wing (29), B-Wing/E2 (1), Kyle Katarn (3), Veteran Instincts (1)

Green Sq. Pilot (19): A-Wing (19), A-Wing Test Pilot (0), Intimidation (2), Chardan Refit (-2), Adaptability (0)

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

New vid going up tomorrow! It's kind of a weird video, a little outside our norm. I don't want to give too much away, but let's just see what you all think of it. Anyway, I'm trying out a weird Bomber build, but not Imperial Bombers... SCUM BOMBERS. I've really not had any chance to try out bombs as a mechanic before this, and I was really looking forward to jumping into the deep end, centering a whole build on the idea. Matt tweaked his Palp Aces build from the last game and brought it back again, ready to do business. So the real question is, will high PS ships with good maneuverability work wonders as they often do, or will lower PS ships with bombs (which can be placed right in front of the high PS ships before they move) clean house on the weak aces? See you tomorrow at noon with the answer! Here are the builds:

Matt (100):

Omicron Group Pilot (29): Lambda Shuttle (21), Emperor Palpatine (8)

Darth Vader (37): TIE Advanced (29), Predator (3), Advanced Targeting Computer (1), TIE/x1 (0), Engine Upgrade (4)

Soontir Fel (34): TIE Interceptor (27), Targeting Computer (2), Autothrusters (2), Royal Guard TIE (0), Push the Limit (3)

Evan (99):

Emon Azzameen (46): Firespray-31 (36), Andrasta (0), Proximity Mines (3), Connor Net (4), Proximity Mines (3)

Syndicate Thug (22): Y-Wing (18), Bomb Loadout (0), Genius (0), Extra Munitions (2), Seismic Charges (2)

Drea Renthal (31): Y-Wing (22), Unhinged Astromech (1), Extra Munitions (2), Proton Torpedoes (4), Autoblaster Turret (2)

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

We have another match this week! Sorry for the short notice but the good news is you'll all have a new video to watch tomorrow at noon! This week is our first match with a Protectorate Starfighter, flown by me. I'm also flying Dengar and N'Dru Suhlak, and after upgrades I'm flying two ships with a pilot skill of 9 and one with a pilot skill of 10! Matt is trying the Rebels for the first time. He decided to focus on heavy-hitting B-Wings armed with Advanced Proton Torpedoes. He's also learned from his recent loss against my Rebel list using an A-Wing as a blocker and included one of his own. Matt's forces are great jousters, and with that blocker he can set up the range 1 torpedo shot for a likely 1 turn takedown on an unsuspecting target. My list has 3 ships that all hold their own solo and their high pilot skill ensures that they have the chance to avoid a bad position (or at least get off a parting shot before they go). Who do you think takes it this week? Let us know! Here are our lists:


Keyan Farlander (40): B-Wing (29), Advanced Proton Torpedoes (6), Guidance Chips (0), Extra Munitions (2), Push the Limit (3)

Ten Numb (39): B-Wing (31), Advanced Proton Torpedoes (6), Guidance Chips (0), Extra Munitions (2)

Green Squadron Pilot (22): A-Wing (19), Push the Limit (3)


Dengar (48): JumpMaster 5000 (33), Punishing One (12), Adaptability (0), R5-P8 (3)

N'Dru Suhlak (24): Z-95 Headhunter (17), Veteran Instincts (1), Cluster Missiles (4), Guidance Chips (0), Glitterstim (2)

Old Teroch (28): Protectorate Starfighter (26) Concord Dawn Protector (1), Veteran Instincts (1)

The Game:

Edited by Crimson36

We have a new video coming friday! Matt is trying out a prototype build for a squad you'll be seeing him use often (outside of his definite love of palp aces) using the Shadow Caster in conjunction with a Protectorate Starfighter ace and a TLT Y-Wing. It's a well rounded list, covering a fast moving high PS ace, a low PS TLT and a large base ship with a decent chunk of hull. I (Evan) am flying a triple bomber build utilizing lots of ordinance. Technically it's two bombers and a punisher, but who's counting? This list can alpha strike with the best of them. Who do you think will take home the victory this week?

Squad Lists:


Ketsu Onyo (44): Lancer Pursuit Vessel (38), Glitterstim (2), Shadow Caster (3), Veteran Instincts (1),

Fenn Rau (32): Protectorate Starfighter (28), Outmaneuver (3), Concord Dawn Protector (1)

Syndicate Thug (24): Y-Wing (18), TLT (6)

Captain Jonus (27): TIE Bomber (22), Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), Guidance Chips (0)
Major Rhymer (35): TIE Bomber (26), Marksmanship (3), Cluster Missiles (4), Extra Munitions (2), Guidance Chips (0)
"Redline" (38): TIE Punisher (27), Marksmanship (3), Extra Munitions (2), Cluster Missiles (4), Fire Control System (2), Guidance Chips (0)

The Game:
Edited by Crimson36

The imperial list must be wrong somehow. Redline can't have an EPT. Looks like a fun match!

The imperial list must be wrong somehow. Redline can't have an EPT. Looks like a fun match!

Looks like there were a couple errors in my list I had copy-pasted. Thanks for making me double check, I fixed the list now! Unfortunately I think when I was theory-crafting this list I confused myself and did actually put marksmanship on Redline. I am sure it affected the outcome of the match somewhat, but thankfully that mistake wasn't the most important element of the match. It made a difference but was not the defining quality of this game. Thanks again for the save, I went ahead and put a little note on the video so people will know I messed that up!

Edited by Crimson36

It's up! Let us know what you think! We've got a couple fun ones coming up soon. Also Matt and I just went to our first local tournament and we were able to film a couple of those games. We may attempt to fast track those videos to get them out quicker, we'll just see how this week goes, filming wise.

Alrighty, it being that season, Matt and I both had a little battle against some virus and didn't get to do commentary this week. So we'll put something up as soon as possible, probably next week. See you all then!