Friends Limit - Challenge vs. Battle

By pepsIcola2, in Rules Discussions


New to the game, just a few questions...

1.) How many friends can join the player in a battle (fighting heartless)

2.) How many friends can join the player in a challenge? (fighting opposing player)

Is it correct that friends join you for the battle/challenge only, and not for the entire turn? For Example, if you use goofy in a battle, and after that battle, you declare a challenge, goofy has already been discarded because he battled already, and so cannot join the player for the challenge.


The answer to both would be however many you have in play...there's no limit to the number of friends that may participate in a battle or challenge.

You would be correct about them being discarded as well. If you battle with Goofy, he is discarded afterwards and won't be in play to help in the challenge later unless you play another one.

Thank you very much for your timely response