Hey guys.
I love coming up with fun, if sometimes ridiculous ideas for ways to play. One question I ran into regarded OHaUH Gandalf, Narya, and his presence in a sphere of influence.
For example, I know that Sword-Thain can only be played on an ally which belongs to a sphere of influence, and therefore Gandalf would normally not be a valid target for that attachment.
However, if Narya is attached to Gandalf, he "gains the leadership resource icon."
In the rulebook, it says that resource icons "indicate the sphere(s) of influence" the card belongs. Additionally, most people seem to agree that for cards such as Burning Brand, a Song of Wisdom attached to a hero is sufficient for them to count as a Lore character, and thus be valid targets for attaching Burning Brand.
So, in summary, does attaching Narya to Gandalf make him belong to the Leadership sphere of influence? And therefore a valid target for Sword-Thain or any other Sphere-restricted attachments, i.e. Mariner's Compass (Don't think I would ever use Compass on such a powerful ally, but as an example)
This is a very unique set of circumstances, as nothing else in the game can give an ally a resource icon, so I'm looking for opinions, thoughts, or insight on wording I haven't noticed.
Thanks for opinions guys!