Hothgary Regionals! AGAIN! (2017 yo...)

By Drasnighta, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

So, for anyone looking at making the Jump across the border to the Outer-Northern-Rim and play on Hothgarian Soil, the Sentry Box has confirmed they've got the 2017 Regional for Armada on the 7th of January...

More Details to come closer to the date, of course, but for people who want to start planning early and look at Border Crossings, etc, etc, its good to know...


Saturday 7th of January

If it runs under the same format as last regionals, then start time is 0930hrs for Player Briefing. 3 Rounds and an Hour for Lunch has us out by 6pm!

(And of course, I am always willing to help someone find Accommodation, and give directions to the Venue, etc, if asked)

So regionals are occurring in January this time?

When are the store championships then? I presume November...

But is it the last regionals in the world?

So regionals are occurring in January this time?

When are the store championships then? I presume November...

No Stores this year. Stores Next Year. In May. After Star Words Worlds. In May.

As Per:


Edited by Drasnighta

But is it the last regionals in the world?


(as is no Coffee)

(as is no Coffee)

Well, you can get your daily dose of java here!

(as is no Coffee)

Well, you can get your daily dose of java here!

I have updated to the latest Driver.

I Swear it was effin' Decaf.

Hmmm tempting to make my way up there. . . Just to play Dras would be worth it.

That should be fun, hoping to make it again if the weather holds (January driving the QE2, fuuuuuu...n). Only a few days before me birthday too, but yep, I'll try to make it.

Heh, there's a certain point where a Short-Hop Flight in and Out and a Hotel room starts becoming les... I don't know... Risk-Of-Death-Y than Driving :D

True, but I have to brave an equally unforgiving highway when I want a jug of milk :P But winter driving anywhere, including to the airport (which I swear is like a quarter of the way to Calgary) is dangerous enough.

As we would say back where I grew up:

" You Really do live on a Wart on the Arse-end of Nowhere."