Stop me if you've heard this one before:
A Quarren, a Gungan, and Mon Calamari walk into a cantina...
Regardless of the party career specializations or connections to the Force, they share one trait that I believe often is overlooked during character creation and in-play dynamics: environmental conditions of being amphibious .
Having an Adversary Deck that addresses being aquatic or surviving in arid/desert conditions would help me balance those encounters in which a typical Stormtrooper won't suffice. We've a few aquatic creatures in that Deck, as well as sand-specific critters. While entire campaigns could occur underwater, the opportunity to have official rules on those encounter challenges is far less than other situations.
I see this possible Adversary Deck like Citizens of the Galaxy , except with aquatic or amphibious species and threats. Scubatroopers, an amphibious silhouette-0 potential bonded animal, an amphibious mount and/or monster, as well as species whose careers take new meaning underwater. Or in the desert.
Scientists regularly cite how little we know of our Earth's oceans, and I can see sometimes similar distances in what we know of the SWRPG galaxies' underwater options. These kinds of decks (heck, even merge aquatic/desert into one deck if having a brain-freeze) fill a gap in unplanned encounters when a ship crashes, or an adventure suddenly bleeds into these locations.