'Friends Like These'

By Maelora, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Picked my copy up yesterday. Just glanced at it but it looks interesting.

Picked my copy up yesterday. Just glanced at it but it looks interesting.

How do the Mandalorian Stats look?

*Edit* Nevermind found in another post.

Edited by Zakain

Picked my copy up yesterday. Just glanced at it but it looks interesting.

How do the Mandalorian Stats look?

*Edit* Nevermind found in another post.

How do the Mandalorian stats look? They turned out just fine for building what Ob-Wan would call "another pathetic life form" :ph34r:

Just got confirmation that it is, indeed, waiting for me at the comic store. Going by after work to pick it up.

I just got confirmation that my two copies are on their way from MiniatureMarket.com.

Yes, two copies. I accidentally over-ordered again. Sigh….

Maybe I’ll give my spare copy to a friend in the UK or Australia?

I purchased mine yesterday at my FLGS, Madness Comics in Plano, TX. I should have asked when the arrived.

I purchased mine yesterday at my FLGS, Madness Comics in Plano, TX. I should have asked when the arrived.

Madness generally puts them out on Thursdays.

Did you take advantage of the buy 2/get 1 free sale while you were there?

(Madness is where I've gotten most of my books. But since the new location of my comic store is ready, willing, and able to get them for me, their 20+ years of awesome service tip the scales in their favor.)

Picked my copy up yesterday. Just glanced at it but it looks interesting.

How do the Mandalorian Stats look?

*Edit* Nevermind found in another post.

How do the Mandalorian stats look? They turned out just fine for building what Ob-Wan would call "another pathetic life form" :ph34r:

The stats are pretty ass imo. Which is good as far as I'm concerned. I like Mandalorians quite a bit but would prefer that human variants to not be a thing.

You get a pretty good Mandalorian lore dump in this one, which I'm happy with. Also the three location in it can easily be worked into a homebrew adventure independent of Friends Like These, so lots of versatility.

Also, a very nasty potential long-term villain. (My players may or may not read this, so I don't want to say too much. Anyone who's read the adventure will know who I'm talking about.)

Edit: Also, I intend to keep the rule from the Rebels fan sourcebook that all Mandalorian gear costs 25% less for a Mandalorian character to buy. It makes a lot of sense and something similar should have been put in FLT IMO.

Edited by Vestij Jai Galaar

Picked my copy up yesterday. Just glanced at it but it looks interesting.

How do the Mandalorian Stats look?

*Edit* Nevermind found in another post.

What post?

any mandalor starfighter ship stats? in the book?

There's a Sil 3 "shuttle" that can easily work as a fighter.

Actually a little underwhelmed by the crunchy bits of the Mandalorian part, when it comes to gear and ships and such. Technically beskar'gam got statted, for example, but no price or rarity stats, etc. As for the Mandos themselves, while I'm not really a great supporter of off-shoot human species the Mando humans at least make a solid enough effort to be specialized (able to take career skills for their freebie(s)) rather than broad (baseline human).

Now, for the actually important stuff . . .

They definitely covered the 'something for everyone to do' goal. Ace, Soldier, Commander, Spy, Diplomat, Engineer, all have something they can be doing, to a great enough effect that I feel that a group that lacks any of the six may feel the absence quite acutely. I do think that there are some specializations that are more equal than others, though; the Strategist, for instance, is going to be super useful for Commanders.There are also some pretty decent hooks to catch Edge and F&D parties.

Lot of moving parts, lot of player choices from who to ally with to what defenses to prioritize, and the constantly ticking clock as the Imps get closer is awesome. Remains to be seen how it will actually play out, but it looks like a solid adventure.

I like the fact I now have stats for a Gladiator class Star Destroyer.

I'm kind of curious, but has any one looked through the later pages and thought there was multiple ways this could go south for the Imperials?

I like the fact I now have stats for a Gladiator class Star Destroyer.

I actually like the raider 2 stats better, it puts another sil 5 speed 4 ship out there. I hybridized it with consular class light cruiser stats (crew requirements, passengers).

Reading through it, I've picked up on a couple vague bits that could have used some clarification.

The Skimmers and Hazardous Material Storage point out what skill you'd need and how long it would take, but don't tell you exactly what effect they'll have in the final fight. The Warehouse doesn't include how long it might take or its effect.

The Core Ship Graveyard doesn't tell you what skills you need to actually get the droids working again (easy enough to figure, its mechanics and/or computers), and doesn't assign a required amount of time or workers.

The time and personnel requirements for the Makeshift Emplacements seem to be for making more turbolasers, but don't have a time set out for how long it takes to actually get them in place.

The book says the I7 will bail out and jump to hyper after the first phase, but later allows for its presence in later phases.

There's mentions of fighters being built for the Mandos, but no time requirements other than how long it would take to reconfigure the starship component factory.

None of these should be particularly hard fixes, but they're things you'll want to be aware of when crunching the clock and when it comes to calculating the mass combat checks.

Anybody notice that, in the end when the Rebel reinforcements arrive, the Imperial vessels jump away? The end result of that is that the base isn't really saved at all since the Imperials will be back and in greater numbers. At best you've just earned some time to pull a full evacuation. Maybe that should have been stressed as the point of everything rather than trying to preserve the base.

Edited by HappyDaze

I like the fact I now have stats for a Gladiator class Star Destroyer.

I actually like the raider 2 stats better, it puts another sil 5 speed 4 ship out there. I hybridized it with consular class light cruiser stats (crew requirements, passengers).

Here's an oggdude character sheet (with signature vehicle) of a side kick PC "Raven" the gynoid/HRD avatar of the aforementioned hybrid of Raider II corvette and consular class light cruiser. The ship is named "The Redshift Raven"; it was named what it was before the HRD synched with it, and then she changed her name to match the ship. Raven is an Ace:Rigger and "The Redshift Raven" is her signature vehicle (so that has affected the attached stats). Because there are no HRD species stats, I statted her as a human with maxed out cybernetics.

Anybody notice that, in the end when the Rebel reinforcements arrive, the Imperial vessels jump away? The end result of that is that the base isn't really saved at all since the Imperials will be back and in greater numbers. At best you've just earned some time to pull a full evacuation. Maybe that should have been stressed as the point of everything rather than trying to preserve the base.

Yeah, I spotted that. I'd say the GM should either change that - a fleet of ships and 6(?) squadrons of fighters seems like more than enough to slag a Gladiator in low orbit that didn't know they were coming -, which I would be inclined to do, or change the goal to evacuate the people - and hopefully equipment - of Foundry Four.

Anybody notice that, in the end when the Rebel reinforcements arrive, the Imperial vessels jump away? The end result of that is that the base isn't really saved at all since the Imperials will be back and in greater numbers. At best you've just earned some time to pull a full evacuation. Maybe that should have been stressed as the point of everything rather than trying to preserve the base.


Anybody notice that, in the end when the Rebel reinforcements arrive, the Imperial vessels jump away? The end result of that is that the base isn't really saved at all since the Imperials will be back and in greater numbers. At best you've just earned some time to pull a full evacuation. Maybe that should have been stressed as the point of everything rather than trying to preserve the base.


I do find it a bit odd that the allied ships enter the atmosphere and participate in stages 4-6, but the Imperial ships do not.

I also find it odd that the Imperial commander has Int 3, Cunning 3 and Knowledge (Warfare) 4 and uses very dull and predictable tactics. IMO, he should at least throw a few curves at the defenders once he sees he has some opposition rather than just plodding forward in a predictable manner.

I do find it a bit odd that the allied ships enter the atmosphere and participate in stages 4-6, but the Imperial ships do not.

I also find it odd that the Imperial commander has Int 3, Cunning 3 and Knowledge (Warfare) 4 and uses very dull and predictable tactics. IMO, he should at least throw a few curves at the defenders once he sees he has some opposition rather than just plodding forward in a predictable manner.

The GM could definitely change that if so desired ;)