'Friends Like These'

By Maelora, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

So Friends Like These seems to have updated to On The Boat status last week. Huzzah!

Come on, Ghost, those Mando stats are clearly ridiculous!

They should start with three ranks in all combat skills, and 5 ranks of the Lethal Blows, Enduring, and Durable talents, too!

Gosh, don't you know anything :P !

I thought that that was in the playtest version. Once they realized that Mandalorians all needed "Armor Master", "Improved Armor Master", and the new "Supreme Armor Master" [supreme Armor Master - Requirements = Improved Armor Master and be a Mandalorian - Effect - All armor you wear has + 2 defense, +3 soak, + 2 Hard points, Enc -2 and the armor and all accessories for it are -3 rarity] I think that they trimmed the Enduring and Durable a bit.

Edited by pnewman15

Is that what the playtest version was like? I seem to remember it a bit different...

BTW, Armor Master already has a Sup level talent in the Armorer tree from the Guardian book.

It looks like Friends Like These has been moved to "Shipping Now" meaning we should all have it in our hot little hands soon!

I'm really looking forward to this one, and I'm hoping for some surprises.

I'm kind of curious how many of us are going to buy it because it's a new adventure (or we're completists) and how many are buying it solely for the Mandolorian stats?

I'm kind of curious how many of us are going to buy it because it's a new adventure (or we're completists) and how many are buying it solely for the Mandolorian stats?

I buy all the books, but even if I didn't and say didn't want to buy adventures as a matter of principle, I would buy it just for the Mando stats. Of course I doubt they'd be awesome enough to justify that but I'd just have to scratch the curiosity itch.

I'm primarily getting it just for the mando stats/info and then the adventure as secondary. I see it as, I'm overpaying for the stats, but if the module turns out to be decent, then I break even. :)

I'm kind of curious how many of us are going to buy it because it's a new adventure (or we're completists) and how many are buying it solely for the Mandolorian stats?

I am almost uninterested in the Mandolorian Human stats (except to see how much they changed from the playtest, but I won't be able to comment on that, so...). I only ban one published species in my games (the Corellian Human), and when this drops that will go up to two. IMO, the Human species is versatile enough to cover any human whether they are from Coruscant, Corellia, Mandalore, or anywhere else.

I'm kind of curious how many of us are going to buy it because it's a new adventure (or we're completists) and how many are buying it solely for the Mandolorian stats?

I am almost uninterested in the Mandolorian Human stats (except to see how much they changed from the playtest, but I won't be able to comment on that, so...). I only ban one published species in my games (the Corellian Human), and when this drops that will go up to two. IMO, the Human species is versatile enough to cover any human whether they are from Coruscant, Corellia, Mandalore, or anywhere else.

Corellian Human really are the "have your cake and eat it too" of Piloting species.

I'm kind of curious how many of us are going to buy it because it's a new adventure (or we're completists) and how many are buying it solely for the Mandolorian stats?

I am almost uninterested in the Mandolorian Human stats (except to see how much they changed from the playtest, but I won't be able to comment on that, so...). I only ban one published species in my games (the Corellian Human), and when this drops that will go up to two. IMO, the Human species is versatile enough to cover any human whether they are from Coruscant, Corellia, Mandalore, or anywhere else.

Corellian Human really are the "have your cake and eat it too" of Piloting species.

The problem with Corellian Humans is that they are very much a niche species. If you don't want to be an "awesome pilot extraordinaire," then you're better off going with a base Human.

And from the sounds of it, the playtest version of Mando Humans is going to be much the same, in that it's a very niche species option. Though that would depend on what skills get bonus ranks; if it's a free rank in Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light), that's fairly useful since it'd make it easier for most Mando-types to get at least two ranks in their main combat skill for those that go with more combat-orientated careers/specs. But if it's a free rank in Know (Warfare), that's less useful.

I am slightly frustrated with "niche Humans", since they seem to try to generalize an entire culture into one skillset. I have played a Human who is likely from Corella, and in a different game one of my players has a character very specifically from

Coronet Human. Both have used base Humans because they're not PILOTS. They should really just call Corellian Humans "flyboy Humans" and be done with it. :P

I am slightly frustrated with "niche Humans", since they seem to try to generalize an entire culture into one skillset. I have played a Human who is likely from Corella, and in a different game one of my players has a character very specifically from

Coronet Human. Both have used base Humans because they're not PILOTS. They should really just call Corellian Humans "flyboy Humans" and be done with it. :P

Then you'll have people that want "fightboy Humans" and "talkboy Humans" and "sneakboy Humans" and pretty much every other variation that can be thought up. Of course, I suggest just sticking with the base Human for all of those.

Ill get back to you once we see if Mandalorians are nothing more than those aforementioned "fightboy Humans" ;)

To answer the earlier question, I'm actually kind of excited for the adventure itself. It's a fun premise, at any rate.

I’m a completist. Don’t care about the Mandalorians, and I really hate, loathe, and despise the Fandalorians.

So, I generally try to avoid discussing this kind of thing very much.

I'm really looking forward to getting this. I'm back in the GM seat and finally running FFG Star Wars for my regular weekly group but I don't have time to create my own campaign adventures so I'm cobbling together the FFG modules already out there and I hope to use Friends Like These as the penultimate "adventure" in the campaign.

A friend of mine is quite eager to get this adventure, mostly for the sake of running it for her AoR group. Though given how much XP our PCs have (400+ with one being pretty close to 500 earned XP), I suspect she'll have to beef up some of the encounters so that we don't utterly steamroll some of those fights (having a BH with a heavily modded blaster rifle that does 13 damage and has Pierce 3 is nothing to sneeze at).

While I'm in a similar boat to bradknowles about not being that crazy about Mandos in general and having no tolerance for the Fandalorians, I am curious to see how the material on them turns out.

I'm what you'd call a "Candalorian" (a fan of the canon Mandalorian culture). I much prefer them being depicted as a complex, divided people with a history of lashing out against the greater galaxy and struggling with the legacy their ancestors left behind, rather than utter badasses who make Jedi and Sith alike look like meager stormtrooper cadets by comparison.

Edited by A7T

I've never gotten any of the adventures before, just not something I needed, but this one sounds interesting enough that I'll get it on its own merits. Anything Mando related will be either a bonus or unimportant, although I'd hope for bonus.

Edited by Cannibal Halfling

I am also excited, it could be a really great campaign...

Shipping tends to take 7 to 10 days. It went 'Shipping' last week and today's 'New Products' article doesn't announce that it's out this week, so expect it next week.

Friends like these, friends like these, friends like these, (continuing the chant started either in this thread or absol's trends, statistics, and predictions, thread in 5he eote forum)

Just received a call from my FLGS that they have the book set aside for me. :)

Damnit - just called my FLGS and came up dry. Ah well, my new computer and monitor (plus Black Friday) kind of killed any discretionary spending this month.

I'll know tomorrow if it made it to my comic store this week.

(There's a closer game store that I know will have it, but the comic store has earned my loyalty many times over in the past 20+ years. Now that they're pre-ordering for me as of Friends Like These, they should get them from their distributor on release week. This will be our first test of that theory.)