'Friends Like These'

By Maelora, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Does the book come with a code for the download of the Randy Newman song?

Without giving any other spoilers, that certainly wasn't in the playtest materials.

Have we 100% ruled-out inclusion of Zygerrians in this book?

More like 95%. It's possible they're there and they just didn't mention them, but I doubt it.

The percentage on that might drop if there's a Force power in Endless Vigil - that wasn't mentioned in either the announcement article or the product description, so if it's in the book without being in the articles, then the possibility of Zygerrians here is increased.

Have we 100% ruled-out inclusion of Zygerrians in this book?

It's also possible that they appear as a major NPC faction, but not as a playable species.

That I'm assuming is a 100% guarantee, based on the cover of the book as well as the theme :) .

The product page says the characters only have 2 days and the article says one failed Astrogation check can be the end. Hope the characters have a good hyperdrive class...

I'm assuming that's an exaggeration. "You failed one roll, so you lose" is such a N00B GM mistake I doubt it would actually be in a published adventure...

Not knowing the adventure (obviously), if I were writing that section, I would have the hyperspace trip be a automatic given, with a roll augmenting how long it actually takes. A good roll means the players have time to set their plans while terrible roll with despair means that the timetable for The Event is much tighter and the players really have to hustle under the gun when they get to their destination.

Aren't there talents, like the Navigator's Galaxy Mapper, that help reduce time? It seems like these specializations may be very useful.

EDIT: Spelling

Edited by cimmerianthief

Aren't their talents, like the Navigator's Galaxy Mapper, that help reduce time? It seems like these specializations may be very useful.

Galaxy Mapper reduces the time to.calculate the route, but it doesn't reduce travel time directly. A good Astrogation check can do that, but it won't matter nearly enough if you're starting with a Class 2 (or slower) hyperdrive.

Galaxy Mapper reduces the time to.calculate the route, but it doesn't reduce travel time directly. A good Astrogation check can do that, but it won't matter nearly enough if you're starting with a Class 2 (or slower) hyperdrive.

Splatbooks offers new play groups various starting resource options, like a Mentor, Homestead, or Starship.

Which starships are currently offered to groups? In addition to the Core Rulebook of:

G-9 Rigger light freighter (Hyperdrive 3) from F+D

Wayfarer (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

YT-1300 (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

Firespray (Hyperdrive 3) from EotE

Am I missing any recommended starships from other resources?

What starship (source) is often highly recommended for your play groups?

Of those already listed, only half would be making travel in time with Hyperdrive 3.

Edited by cimmerianthief

Galaxy Mapper reduces the time to.calculate the route, but it doesn't reduce travel time directly. A good Astrogation check can do that, but it won't matter nearly enough if you're starting with a Class 2 (or slower) hyperdrive.

Splatbooks offers new play groups various starting resource options, like a Mentor, Homestead, or Starship.

Which starships are currently offered to groups? In addition to the Core Rulebook of:

G-9 Rigger light freighter (Hyperdrive 3) from F+D

Wayfarer (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

YT-1300 (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

Firespray (Hyperdrive 3) from EotE

Am I missing any recommended starships from other resources?

What starship (source) is often highly recommended for your play groups?

Of those already listed, only half would be making travel in time with Hyperdrive 3.

Upgrading the hyperdrive is one way. But if my memory doesn't fail me, at least EotE mentions you can pick any ship as long as it's value doesn't exceed 120k. That opens the door for quite a few ships, even if the GM puts a rarity cap on it, so there's probably one in there with a class 1 hyperdrive somewhere.

Galaxy Mapper reduces the time to.calculate the route, but it doesn't reduce travel time directly. A good Astrogation check can do that, but it won't matter nearly enough if you're starting with a Class 2 (or slower) hyperdrive.

Splatbooks offers new play groups various starting resource options, like a Mentor, Homestead, or Starship.

Which starships are currently offered to groups? In addition to the Core Rulebook of:

G-9 Rigger light freighter (Hyperdrive 3) from F+D

Wayfarer (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

YT-1300 (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

Firespray (Hyperdrive 3) from EotE

Am I missing any recommended starships from other resources?

What starship (source) is often highly recommended for your play groups?

Of those already listed, only half would be making travel in time with Hyperdrive 3.

Upgrading the hyperdrive is one way. But if my memory doesn't fail me, at least EotE mentions you can pick any ship as long as it's value doesn't exceed 120k. That opens the door for quite a few ships, even if the GM puts a rarity cap on it, so there's probably one in there with a class 1 hyperdrive somewhere.

The price cap in FaD is considerably lower. IIRC, it's something like 70k credits.

Galaxy Mapper reduces the time to.calculate the route, but it doesn't reduce travel time directly. A good Astrogation check can do that, but it won't matter nearly enough if you're starting with a Class 2 (or slower) hyperdrive.

Splatbooks offers new play groups various starting resource options, like a Mentor, Homestead, or Starship.

Which starships are currently offered to groups? In addition to the Core Rulebook of:

G-9 Rigger light freighter (Hyperdrive 3) from F+D

Wayfarer (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

YT-1300 (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

Firespray (Hyperdrive 3) from EotE

Am I missing any recommended starships from other resources?

What starship (source) is often highly recommended for your play groups?

Of those already listed, only half would be making travel in time with Hyperdrive 3.

Upgrading the hyperdrive is one way. But if my memory doesn't fail me, at least EotE mentions you can pick any ship as long as it's value doesn't exceed 120k. That opens the door for quite a few ships, even if the GM puts a rarity cap on it, so there's probably one in there with a class 1 hyperdrive somewhere.

The price cap in FaD is considerably lower. IIRC, it's something like 70k credits.

You are correct. 70,000 credits or less for a starting level group's ship.

I ask because I don't have the AoR CRB: are there credit limits for starship group resources, or examples (or are starships not a starting group option)?

Are there any other starships from other splatbooks that are specifically designated as possible starting resource (perhaps because they are higher credit cost, or some other reason where we wouldn't automatically include them based on their cost)? Thanks in advance!

Galaxy Mapper reduces the time to.calculate the route, but it doesn't reduce travel time directly. A good Astrogation check can do that, but it won't matter nearly enough if you're starting with a Class 2 (or slower) hyperdrive.

Splatbooks offers new play groups various starting resource options, like a Mentor, Homestead, or Starship.

Which starships are currently offered to groups? In addition to the Core Rulebook of:

G-9 Rigger light freighter (Hyperdrive 3) from F+D

Wayfarer (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

YT-1300 (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

Firespray (Hyperdrive 3) from EotE

Am I missing any recommended starships from other resources?

What starship (source) is often highly recommended for your play groups?

Of those already listed, only half would be making travel in time with Hyperdrive 3.

HWK-1000 from fly casual costs 120,000 so it's on the table for an edge group but maybe not anecessarily age group and definitely not a FaD group

Galaxy Mapper reduces the time to.calculate the route, but it doesn't reduce travel time directly. A good Astrogation check can do that, but it won't matter nearly enough if you're starting with a Class 2 (or slower) hyperdrive.

Splatbooks offers new play groups various starting resource options, like a Mentor, Homestead, or Starship.

Which starships are currently offered to groups? In addition to the Core Rulebook of:

G-9 Rigger light freighter (Hyperdrive 3) from F+D

Wayfarer (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

YT-1300 (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

Firespray (Hyperdrive 3) from EotE

Am I missing any recommended starships from other resources?

What starship (source) is often highly recommended for your play groups?

Of those already listed, only half would be making travel in time with Hyperdrive 3.

HWK-1000 from fly casual costs 120,000 so it's on the table for an edge group but maybe not anecessarily age group and definitely not a FaD group

Does the rule against starting with ® gear also apply to a starting starship?

Galaxy Mapper reduces the time to.calculate the route, but it doesn't reduce travel time directly. A good Astrogation check can do that, but it won't matter nearly enough if you're starting with a Class 2 (or slower) hyperdrive.

Splatbooks offers new play groups various starting resource options, like a Mentor, Homestead, or Starship.

Which starships are currently offered to groups? In addition to the Core Rulebook of:

G-9 Rigger light freighter (Hyperdrive 3) from F+D

Wayfarer (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

YT-1300 (Hyperdrive 2) from EotE

Firespray (Hyperdrive 3) from EotE

Am I missing any recommended starships from other resources?

What starship (source) is often highly recommended for your play groups?

Of those already listed, only half would be making travel in time with Hyperdrive 3.

HWK-1000 from fly casual costs 120,000 so it's on the table for an edge group but maybe not anecessarily age group and definitely not a FaD group

Does the rule against starting with ® gear also apply to a starting starship?

I don't think so... the weapons on a starship would be ® if they weren't on a starship... I think they made the HWK-1000 120K credits so that the players could take it as their starting ship (cause otherwise it would be crazy hard to acquire)

Doesn't R gear require GM authorization to buy? That should also apply to starships, as there are others without restriction at 120k cedits (YT-2000 being one for example). However if the GM allows an HWK-1000 enjoy it!

Among the starting ships affordable to fsD groups there is the Barloz class freighter at 55k. And the GHTROC 720 from EtU at 112k

I never really understood why FaD starting ship budget is so low, it's like they want the group confided to a crappy starship unable to defend itself o in space, even if there is a dedicated pilot spec in there. Or they think strating ship is just a transportation that will never be intercepted by enemies?

I notice the difference, too. Starting F+D characters also get a choice of Mentor, Holocrons, (both supposed to be extraordinarily rare*) or a cheap jalopy.

* - Few/No Jedi exists at this time. Mentors, here, step right up and get your mentors...

* - Holocrons are also rare, so let's use them in BOTH of our published adventures for that line!

Sorry- I derailed the thread. I don't expect to see many new starships or Mentors or Holocrons in this AoR product. I wonder how many Adversary Decks will be created based on the proliferation of NPCs in this book, though. Frankly, I find these aides quite an asset to me as GM.

I notice the difference, too. Starting F+D characters also get a choice of Mentor, Holocrons, (both supposed to be extraordinarily rare*) or a cheap jalopy.

* - Few/No Jedi exists at this time. Mentors, here, step right up and get your mentors...

* - Holocrons are also rare, so let's use them in BOTH of our published adventures for that line!

Sorry- I derailed the thread. I don't expect to see many new starships or Mentors or Holocrons in this AoR product. I wonder how many Adversary Decks will be created based on the proliferation of NPCs in this book, though. Frankly, I find these aides quite an asset to me as GM.

In the defense of FaD...

A Mentor doesn't have to be a Jedi, or even have to be Force-sensitive (though it probably helps). The FaD Beginner Box introduces a Mentor type character that is only alluded to be a Force user, with zero indication that she was ever a Jedi. A group could have a Mentor that can't use the Force themselves, but is incredibly learned on the subject; there was even a case in Legends of the Force-blinded Ulic Qel-Droma teaching the daughter of Nomi Sunrider the ways of the Jedi, simply passing along what he knew to his student while unable to use the Force himself.

And the holocron a party starts with is not the full-blown versions found in the Equipment chapter, as really only mechanical perk provided the bonus career skills, with no boost to Knowledge checks or access to secret abilities; at best a PC might get a boost die to their Knowledge checks as per the "right tools for the job" sidebar when making Knowledge checks while accessing such a holocron.

As for the starting ship, an EotE group also gets saddled with a permanent 5 points of Obligation each that they can never really get rid of, which helps account for them having a larger budget for their starting ship. As for starting options, there's some better choices once you start looking outside of the core rulebook. The Starlight-class light freighter (Fly Casual) is a pretty solid ship overall, and the Barloz-class (Keeping the Peace) is generally a better option than the G-9 Rigger for the same price. Savage Spirits offers the pretty solid Kazellis-class light frieghter that come stock with some pretty impressive firepower. I suspect as we get more FaD splats, we'll see more (and better) ship options for a starting FaD group.

the YT-1000 is also only 80K so a GM may allow it as it is mechanically similar to the Barloz

Don't forget about people like Lor San Tekka - civvies who are dedicated to keeping the spirit of the Jedi alive. Yes , the discount to Force powers implies direct instruction in the Force, but someone could easily just share what they've seen and talk about Jedi philosophy - knowing what's possible alone helps guide independent exploration and exposure to meditation and mindfulness helps open the way towards connecting to the Force. Really, I have no issues with the inclusion of holocrons... yes, they're rare, but the party is sort of on the look-out for them, or can even be "fated to find them" and "reclaim the Jedi legacy"... really, though, as a GM I just want to write the two holocrons in my party's possession arguing like a pair of iPhones with Siri. ;)

Well, that and the new canon Disney comics show a Hutt with a warehouse of Jedi artifacts that included 22 holocrons. I counted. Of course, the Emperor does get his hands on those, but still... to miss 22 entire holocrons? Eh. Whatever.

Back on topic, I'm excited for FLT. I'm eager to see how well it delivers on the promise to "have something for everyone", especially because I sometimes have a hard time finding things for people who aren't Face or Combat oriented to do...

Back on topic, I'm excited for FLT. I'm eager to see how well it delivers on the promise to "have something for everyone", especially because I sometimes have a hard time finding things for people who aren't Face or Combat oriented to do...

Our techy is frequently the most important member of our group. But I do find that some other roles (like the sneaky stuff or the wilderness stuff) only really come into play pretty infrequently.

As for the starting ship, an EotE group also gets saddled with a permanent 5 points of Obligation each that they can never really get rid of, which helps account for them having a larger budget for their starting ship. As for starting options, there's some better choices once you start looking outside of the core rulebook. The Starlight-class light freighter (Fly Casual) is a pretty solid ship overall, and the Barloz-class (Keeping the Peace) is generally a better option than the G-9 Rigger for the same price. Savage Spirits offers the pretty solid Kazellis-class light frieghter that come stock with some pretty impressive firepower. I suspect as we get more FaD splats, we'll see more (and better) ship options for a starting FaD group.

Wait, Savage Spirits has the Kazellis? Is it bad that I now have to get the book just because it has that ship? Possibly my favorite from the old D6 WEG days...

Is it bad that I now have to get the book just because...

Absolutely not, that's how a lot of us feel about all the books...


I notice the difference, too. Starting F+D characters also get a choice of Mentor, Holocrons, (both supposed to be extraordinarily rare*) or a cheap jalopy.

* - Few/No Jedi exists at this time. Mentors, here, step right up and get your mentors...

* - Holocrons are also rare, so let's use them in BOTH of our published adventures for that line!

Sorry- I derailed the thread. I don't expect to see many new starships or Mentors or Holocrons in this AoR product. I wonder how many Adversary Decks will be created based on the proliferation of NPCs in this book, though. Frankly, I find these aides quite an asset to me as GM.

In the defense of FaD...

And the holocron a party starts with is not the full-blown versions found in the Equipment chapter, as really only mechanical perk provided the bonus career skills, with no boost to Knowledge checks or access to secret abilities; at best a PC might get a boost die to their Knowledge checks as per the "right tools for the job" sidebar when making Knowledge checks while accessing such a holocron.

To add to this, on the matter of holocrons I think it's crucial to remember that these adventures are written as one shots, assuming that each time you run an adventure you're doing so with brand new characters. So the rewards tend to overlap some because it assumes that the party doesn't have a holocron from a previous adventure. The same can be said of Mentors too. The assumption from the published adventure is this is your first time adventuring. Thus you get rewarded with a Mentor. If you happen to run all the published F&D adventures with the same set of characters then yes ..... you're gonna end up with a surplus of holocrons and mentors. But if you run them the way they are intended (as separate, one shot encounters) then the rewards are just fine and still remain rare.