'Friends Like These'

By Maelora, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Very excited for this book to finally be announced! This is an adventure module I wrote alongside Ryan Brooks.

Also, wow! People are very excited about the idea that Astrogation checks matter in this adventure based off a single line in an announcement piece. Here I figured it was the Mandalorians that were going to be at the root of most anxiety.

While anxieties and criticism will abound in various forms, let's first say "Thanks" for helping make this happen! It looks like an interesting adventure, being mindful of all three product titles participation.

Hey, thanks! It's going to feel like forever now until this thing is released, but I'm really looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts once they get it on the table (though reading all the speculation beforehand is also super fun). This was a crazy fun book to work on with my best friend of like 20 years (Ryan Brooks), where FFG just kind of let us go crazy and do our thing. Super excited for you guys to explore Vlemoth Port (legends obscurity rating: Absolute), Kowak , and Xorrn, and meet all the characters we populated each world with!

Finally seeing some of the artwork from this book is so crazy awesome. Some of these artists are practically reading my mind.

That just registered....you mad men... you've doomed us all...

I've got to say, it seems a poor tactical decision to fly into the storm of blaster bolts using a potentially highly explosive rocket pack.

Seem they are slowing down release for EOTE. Savage Spirit, Forged in battle, Endless Vigil and now this. Where is the bounty hunter book?

Seem they are slowing down release for EOTE. Savage Spirit, Forged in battle, Endless Vigil and now this. Where is the bounty hunter book?

It will probably come out soon, and with the new rules in Friends like These people will we able to make the iconic Mandalorian Bounty hunter, so it's worth the wait.

I've got to say, it seems a poor tactical decision to fly into the storm of blaster bolts using a potentially highly explosive rocket pack.

It sounds like you might be one of my players, we had a game Saturday August 13 in Albuquerque NM, and 3 nemesis NPCs got taken out by exploding jet packs

That just registered....you mad men... you've doomed us all...

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of shrill voices began giggling obnoxiously, and could not be silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.

Seem they are slowing down release for EOTE. Savage Spirit, Forged in battle, Endless Vigil and now this. Where is the bounty hunter book?

It will probably come out soon, and with the new rules in Friends like These people will we able to make the iconic Mandalorian Bounty hunter, so it's worth the wait.

For as much fluff and crunch rabid Bounty Hunter fans will want, having 1.5 sourcebooks to discuss on the topic might help.

Mandalorian, huh. The species and gear that brings may well make this the most purchased Adventure module they make. Agreed the actual stats are a no-brainer, but the fluff that comes with it will be much coveted. I was thinking they would be in the Bounty Hunter book myself, but putting them here is sure to boost sales of this one, whilst BH will sell no matter what.

Of course, that's assuming that there will be gear at all. None of the previous adventures included gear, so...

Now, I agree with you pre-emptively that including Mandalorian Humans without including stats for some of their iconic gear would be madness, * but...

Madness? Madness? This. Is! MANDALORE!!

Edited by Absol197

Im not expecting a "Gear" chapter or table... but NPC's equiped with said gear is a sure bet.

Yeah, but that leaves a lot to be desired. Sure, the enemy's equipped with it, but if you want to acquire it yourself how much does it cost? What's the rarity? How many hard points does the armor have (assuming it's not just given as normal Battle Armor or something)? There's plenty that we don't get when a unique item is given in an adventure. I've had to comes to terms with this fact before. Stupid Brain requires everything in order to be satisfied...

Hmm. i hadn't really thought that through had I :( Ok so a chapter with "Player Options" is needed; Mando's, gear, new ships (it is a "very important ship construction facility after all)... a new Universal spec: Mandalore Trained - 4 Dedication's, 4 Enduring's, 4 Toughened, 4 Grit & 4 True Aim talents, all 5 combat skills... ok just had to join the sarcasm train a little!

They could receive a free rank in Knowledge (Warefare) with the ability to take that up to 3 ranks during character creation, just to piss everyone off! But it would actually kind of make sense considering the theme of this adventure.

Chronicles of the Gatekeeper had some side-bars where full weapon stats were listed. Hopefully they will list full stats for any Mando-specific gear that get introduced in this book.

Well if they put mando gear in here what remains for the BH book? I'm not so sure the book will sell so well without the mandalorian stuff.

Well if they put mando gear in here what remains for the BH book? I'm not so sure the book will sell so well without the mandalorian stuff.

This is an AoR product. The Bounty Hunter book will be a EotE book. There can be repeated information between the two.

Considering how... popular mandos are, were it me, I'd have some appetizers in various books, but ultimately it'd be all about the sector/location/nexustype book where I hit Mando and Concord Dawn (among other locations).

Still I'm not sure there's much to discuss really. I mean, these days mando's have a canon rep for being pacifists, guerillas, or soldiers that make use of more esoteric gear. There's some cultural details suitable for social encounters, but nothing suggesting that mando armor is hand crafted by the owner (in fact that's disproved outright), or resistant to lightsabers (also disproved) and nothing to suggest that a mandalorian blaster carbine is any better or worse than a non mando carbine...

That's actually what makes me kinda interested in the Mando entry in this book. Big G essentially gutted the Mando EU in Clone Wars to the point where a game dev can do almost anything with em and have it fit the new mold. So I've very curious what that "anything" turned out to be.

I'm interested to see what they do with Mandalorians, though in my games most of the EU stuff remains - minus the Karen Traviss God-mode stuff. The pacifists exist too, but they are largely seen as weird 'others' who live in a bubble city and ignore the warrior clans that live on the rest of Mandalore. Well, I suppose it would be 'were seen', since the Imperial occupation has brought back the warrior clans to dominance as they fight against the Empire.

Edited by StarkJunior

Well if they put mando gear in here what remains for the BH book? I'm not so sure the book will sell so well without the mandalorian stuff.

I'm also not sure how good of a fit Mandalorians are for a Bounty Hunter book. Aside from the Jango and Boba Fett, I don't think Mandalorians aren't know for being bounty hunters but rather warriors (or pacifists in the Clone Wars era).

But Mandalorians are popular so they might get put in the BH book but I'm not going to get my hopes up too much - I would like to see Mandalorian stuff added somewhere I'm just not convinced the BH book will be it.

Well if they put mando gear in here what remains for the BH book? I'm not so sure the book will sell so well without the mandalorian stuff.

I'm also not sure how good of a fit Mandalorians are for a Bounty Hunter book. Aside from the Jango and Boba Fett, I don't think Mandalorians aren't know for being bounty hunters but rather warriors (or pacifists in the Clone Wars era).

But Mandalorians are popular so they might get put in the BH book but I'm not going to get my hopes up too much - I would like to see Mandalorian stuff added somewhere I'm just not convinced the BH book will be it.

And just as a nerd moment: In Clone Wars they do say that Jango isn't a Mando. I mean, they might just have been snooty about what a Mando is, or perhaps Jango was a Mando but did something really nasty and got disowned. The bottom line is Jango (and by extension Boba) aren't necessarily Mandos any more than Luke is a Naboobie vs. a Tatoowiener ...

Edited by Ghostofman

Well if they put mando gear in here what remains for the BH book? I'm not so sure the book will sell so well without the mandalorian stuff.

I'm also not sure how good of a fit Mandalorians are for a Bounty Hunter book. Aside from the Jango and Boba Fett, I don't think Mandalorians aren't know for being bounty hunters but rather warriors (or pacifists in the Clone Wars era).

But Mandalorians are popular so they might get put in the BH book but I'm not going to get my hopes up too much - I would like to see Mandalorian stuff added somewhere I'm just not convinced the BH book will be it.

And just as a nerd moment: In Clone Wars they do say that Jango isn't a Mando. I mean, they might just have been snooty about what a Mando is, or perhaps Jango was a Mando but did something really nasty and got disowned. The bottom line is Jango (and by extension Boba) aren't necessarily Mandos any more than Luke is a Naboobie vs. a Tatoowiener ...

Yeah, Uncle George cut off Jango's head, and threw Boba into a Sarlacc pit.

Then he threw their reputation into the Sarlacc pit.

Edited by Jedi Ronin

After reading Forged in Battle and knowing who is working on it, I am even more excited.

And just as a nerd moment: In Clone Wars they do say that Jango isn't a Mando. I mean, they might just have been snooty about what a Mando is, or perhaps Jango was a Mando but did something really nasty and got disowned. The bottom line is Jango (and by extension Boba) aren't necessarily Mandos any more than Luke is a Naboobie vs. a Tatoowiener ...

I remember that scene being in the first(?) Satine episode, which I thought was very well done and extremely subtle. The New Mandalorians were all peaceful, the old warriors were supposedly extinct. The comment about Jango felt like a politician's denial.

I am hoping that mandalorians look more like klantooinians (dog faces) than corellians in terms of stats: 1 free rank in a combat skill of their choice, and 1 free rank in a non career skill, 2's across the board and 110 starting xp. If the wanted to get more power gamer friendly (which I don't recommend or expect) then I would say a 3 in Brawn 1 and a 1 in presence and 100 xp

Does the book come with a code for the download of the Randy Newman song?