'Friends Like These'

By Maelora, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

5 hours ago, Desslok said:

As for the end? I've never been a fan of the rollathon that is Mass Combat. So maybe one or two rolls to resolve the big fight, and then figure out some microtask for the players to deal with - capture/killing the enemy commander? Don't know yet, but I don't need to know how the endgame plays out for a week or two yet, so no rush there.

EDIT - Oooh, I just had a thought. I'm keeping the original droid factory functionality of Foundry Four. So. . . whats to stop the players from cranking it up to 11 and mass producing their own battle droid army. I'd say lack of central control unit, but they took that little exhaust port out of the droids after Naboo. Will have to think on this.

I quite like the planets little Clone Wars history - the Clones couldn't take the groundside part of the factory, so the engagement was entirely in Space. That does solve the question of the Droid Foundry being operational as an automatic Win. I would swap around the entire focus of the battle to basically making sure the Republic doesn't return - so the whole battle needs to be offensive and attempting to take out the Jedi Command ship, factories launching hundreds of Vulture Droids, and recruiting Mandolorian Commandos for this daring Raid that Droids alone couldn't pull off.

So the setup can be largely similar, but the finale is about drawing the Republic into thinking they have won through orbital superiority, as they get closer springing a trap from the Orbital wreckage from the previous engagements at Xxorn. As an alternative to recuriting slavers you could make a side mission to work with somone distasteful like the Hutts to get IG model droids for the factory to produce in small numbers for the assault - thus keeping the original flavour of making alliances you would rather not.

If you don't like the prolonged multi phase battle of Mass Combat, keeping it to one theatre - ground or space is preferable.

Okay, here's a question - the Mandos that were captured by the Talz. There's the guy in the cage. . . but unless I missed it, there's no mention of the others in the party. It's kind of implied with the heavy track imprints that there was more than the one, and I'm kind of inclined to go with that (the guy in the cage was exceptionally badassed and put up a serious fight. The other instructor might be dead, but the others are tied up somewhere).

On 9/12/2019 at 12:18 AM, Desslok said:

Okay, here's a question - the Mandos that were captured by the Talz. There's the guy in the cage. . . but unless I missed it, there's no mention of the others in the party. It's kind of implied with the heavy track imprints that there was more than the one, and I'm kind of inclined to go with that (the guy in the cage was exceptionally badassed and put up a serious fight. The other instructor might be dead, but the others are tied up somewhere).

I am currently running this adventure and that was the impression I got as well. You could very well say that the students were hiding somewhere, but without the instructor alive to direct you there they wouldn't likely be found before they froze to death.

One member of the party having lived on the moon of Pantora as part of her backstory, could speak Talz and challenged the chieftain to a duel for the prisoners. He hit her once and nearly killed her. She hit him back and did more that the 10 points of damage required to make a social check to get him to back down.

I am currently running this adventure and I have run into an issue. My PC's are about to do the whole Slave revolt part of the adventure and there is a section that is just not covered:

Excerpt from page 71: "The PCs can secure as many as one hundred slaves. but they must procure a means or transporting them back to Xorrn. Captain Rerlow could help, but waiting for him exhausts four hours Alternatively, if the slave revolt liberated any Aurore-class freighters (see Zygerrian Air Support on page 88). the PCs could make good use of such a starship."

I was going to come up with a way to do it as a separate battle, but a friend suggested that I do it as a target of opportunity mission within the battle itself. How has anyone else handled this?

Also, if you go the slaver route it states that "Success means the prince devotes two slaver ships crewed with eight royal guards and two-hundred slaves each. escorted by four HH-87 Starhoppers to Foundry Four's defense. Each additional net success adds a further twenty slaves per ship. and 3 Advantages or Triumph adds another crewed slaver ship and two escorts. The group of slaves is comprises mainly Twi'lek laborers. but Advantage can be used to persuade Molec to include more combat-worthy slaves, such as Talz. With 2 Advantages, Molec may even include some Mandalorian prisoners.

Couple of questions here:
1. An page 88, the stats for the ships say that they can carry 100 slaves, I assume in the worst possible conditions, how are they going to get the offered 200 slaves per each ship, plus 20 additional per additional success into the ship? At first I thought that they double the numbers to reflect the 2 ships worth of crew and slaves, but the crew complement is technically 10 and they only listed 8 Guards.

2. If there are Talz and Mandalorian slaves to be offered, aren't there Talz and Mandalorian Slaves to be liberated as well?

I would appreciate any thoughts that the community has to share.



Edited by Dakkar98
On 11/15/2019 at 1:47 PM, Dakkar98 said:

I am currently running this adventure and I have run into an issue. My PC's are about to do the whole Slave revolt part of the adventure and there is a section that is just not covered:

Excerpt from page 71: "The PCs can secure as many as one hundred slaves. but they must procure a means or transporting them back to Xorrn. Captain Rerlow could help, but waiting for him exhausts four hours Alternatively, if the slave revolt liberated any Aurore-class freighters (see Zygerrian Air Support on page 88). the PCs could make good use of such a starship."

I was going to come up with a way to do it as a separate battle, but a friend suggested that I do it as a target of opportunity mission within the battle itself. How has anyone else handled this?

Also, if you go the slaver route it states that "Success means the prince devotes two slaver ships crewed with eight royal guards and two-hundred slaves each. escorted by four HH-87 Starhoppers to Foundry Four's defense. Each additional net success adds a further twenty slaves per ship. and 3 Advantages or Triumph adds another crewed slaver ship and two escorts. The group of slaves is comprises mainly Twi'lek laborers. but Advantage can be used to persuade Molec to include more combat-worthy slaves, such as Talz. With 2 Advantages, Molec may even include some Mandalorian prisoners.

Couple of questions here:
1. An page 88, the stats for the ships say that they can carry 100 slaves, I assume in the worst possible conditions, how are they going to get the offered 200 slaves per each ship, plus 20 additional per additional success into the ship? At first I thought that they double the numbers to reflect the 2 ships worth of crew and slaves, but the crew complement is technically 10 and they only listed 8 Guards.

2. If there are Talz and Mandalorian slaves to be offered, aren't there Talz and Mandalorian Slaves to be liberated as well?

I would appreciate any thoughts that the community has to share.




Probably later than you were looking for but here's how this went down with my group.

1) I just doubled the number of slaves the YV-865 could hold. I actually modified the ship mildly, because ships armed with only a single twin light laser are of no value in combat, and can barely defend themselves while slaving, so I added a pair of twin light ion cannon turrets. Makes it so the Aurores can actually matter in the Battle of Xorrn but not so much as to dramatically change the odds.

2) There should be. And some of the liberated slaves are no doubt capable of crewing either any YV-865s or HH-87s the party manages to capture in the process of liberating the city. I found the idea that out of thousands of liberated slaves (I ballparked it at 20,000 for my group, but a case could be made that it should be closer to 100,000 - 200,000 slaves freed) only 100 or so would be willing to fight for people who just rescued them seems silly, especially if they offer to repatriate, resettle, or hire said slaves.

As for acquiring the starships, I handled it as an entire separate battle. The party split after Phase 1, and created Phase 2b and Phase 3b to liberate portions of the spaceport(s). It seemed implied to me based on how things were described during landing that there should be a bunch of little spaceports rather than a single centralized one. My party had a platoon of B1 battle droids and a couple members left with the Party Ship, and they launched attacks against spaceport complexes (with the PCs who split off after Phase 1). This allowed them to acquired 4 functional and 4 non-functional YV-865s plus 8 working and 6 broken HH-87s. The Prince's corvette naturally should be located in the Palace, so it makes sense to capture it. I created a new profile for it, but I was tempted to simply declare it a CR90 Corellian Corvette or a DP20 Gunship, since the book never provides a description for it other than "corvette".

The sad truth, however, is that the Icarii-7, as written, is capable of out-fighting the Imperial fleet single-handedly, out-ranging the Gladiator and with the ability to exceed its Hull Trauma threshold with only 75% of its medium turbolasers hitting in a single salvo. The best thing for the party to do in all honestly is to seize the Icarii-7 and fight the orbital battle out long-hand. The Icarii-7 and any support (but especially putting 5 orbital turbolasers for Phase 2) can pretty easily mop the floor with a mere Gladiator Star Destroyer and two Raiders.

Since I am actually running an Edge of the Empire game set about 5 BBY, my party was "rescued" by a rag-tag fleet of former clients of the shipyard (some of them unsavory), who were paid for by trading YV-865s captured from the slavers and other barter items. The battle ended in Phase 5, and at an impasse: the rescue fleet was unwilling to take the losses needed to destroy the Gladiator, while both Raiders were disabled and the Gladiator lost its engines and hyperdrives. A former Imperial PC flew off to get help from other Imperials, resulting in Captain Nervi and Cal Coorsa both being taken by the ISB to the Imperial Inquisitors. Vilola Sargan was crushed, there's soon to be 15,000 new residents of Xorrn, and there's definitely a power vacuum. Fortunately one PC wants to be a shipwright and will take over the business at Foundry Four, which is becoming the PC's new Home Base.