'Friends Like These'

By Maelora, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Must admit that I wasn't actually expecting another adventure... interesting.

Seems like they're just back to the slow but steady release schedule?

I did wonder if they'd just go ahead with the last career books and call it a day.

Looks like no new crunch in this one, though.

I wouldn't say no new crunch: the description for the product says that there we'll be getting stats for Mandalorian Humans, so there's that. I would have preferred Zygerrians, seeing as there's one on the cover, but oh well.

And yes, I consider Zygerrians "pretty enough," that I would enjoy seeing their inclusion :P .

Also, from the look of it, the theme of the adventure seems pretty cool. Exactly the kind of thing that the Rebels need to be doing - fighting a tough battle with no time and long odds, and as the article mentions, it gives every single career something to do. I especially like that they included a diplomacy-heavy element, because I think diplomats tend to get left by the wayside in a lot of AoR games.

EDIT: For stats and predictions, please pop over to my Trends and Statistics thread!

Edited by Absol197

But with Mandalorian Human variants, I might consider this. Maybe the proctetorate starfighter will be there as well!

I'm actually looking forward to this, and AoR is the only line I haven't invested in. I'm currently running parallel EotE and F&D campaigns, and one of my players suggested they could come together for AoR at some point. This may just be the way to do it.

I don't even need to click the link to know what that is :P .

I've been humming that song to myself since I first saw the article :D ! I've always been (and always will be) a Disney girl at heart~

Edit: Huh, not the YouTube clip I was expecting. Blackbird, you're losing your touch. The obvious place to go here is Friend Like Me from Aladdin. What's wrong with you, get your head in the game!

Edited by Absol197

Looks like no new crunch in this one, though.

How do you predict this statement? The Force and Destiny Adventure included a new species.

I wouldn't say no new crunch: the description for the product says that there we'll be getting stats for Mandalorian Humans, so there's that. I would have preferred Zygerrians, seeing as there's one on the cover, but oh well.

I re-read the article that is linked to this thread. I looked for "Mandalorian Humans," and did a search for "Mand" and only found 'Commanders.'

How did I miss so much already?!?

It is not in the announcement article, the mandos, but the product page description.

Given some of the named places, I wonder if we may see any Jablogian, either as a PC option, or just as encounters (like, Jawa we've seen).

When we get a new book announced, you have to look in two places: the announcement article, which is probably what you looked at, and the product description, to get all the tasty data that's available. Sometimes they'll sneak things into the product description that isn't mentioned in the announcement article.

That's how we knew that Savage Spirits' new Force power was called Farsight well before the book came out.

Looks like no new crunch in this one, though.

How do you predict this statement? The Force and Destiny Adventure included a new species.

I wouldn't say no new crunch: the description for the product says that there we'll be getting stats for Mandalorian Humans, so there's that. I would have preferred Zygerrians, seeing as there's one on the cover, but oh well.

I re-read the article that is linked to this thread. I looked for "Mandalorian Humans," and did a search for "Mand" and only found 'Commanders.'

How did I miss so much already?!?

It's not in the announcement article, it's on the product listing . They have sometimes revealed information not featured in the articles. The same is true for Amazon listings, but I think they put the kibosh on that.

The fact that I'm currently a player in an AoR game where we named our YT-2400 the Friends Like These makes me chuckle a bit at the title.

That aside, it sounds like a pretty interesting adventure, and I like that they're emphasizing having something for everyone to do.

It's a fun adventure overall.

Yay for another AoR adventure book. But, I need it yesterday.

I wouldn't say no new crunch: the description for the product says that there we'll be getting stats for Mandalorian Humans, so there's that. I would have preferred Zygerrians, seeing as there's one on the cover, but oh well.

Ooh, missed that one! Thanks!

Bizarrely, it's not in the article but the product list...! The articles are getting worse. You'd have imagined the Mando fanboys would be all over that one!

I dunno. Zygerrians are undoubtedly a canon species, and they're appearing on the cover of this book, so...personally I think we'll get them eventually. Probably not for a while, but eventually!

But I do tend to be overly optimistic ;) .

Hey, we'll get Zygerrians before Bith. Kriff.. We'll get Lamproid before Bith.

directions for creating playable human characters of the Mandalorian culture...from [/size]

https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/star-wars-age-of-rebellion/products/friends-these/ Thanks, Absol97 & Blackbbird888

Well... that should be popular.... or not...

Hey, we'll get Zygerrians before Bith. Kriff.. We'll get Lamproid before Bith.


Caption; Futurama's Zap Brannigan saying "I dated a lamproid once... to call the relationship sucky would be an understatement."

The product page says the characters only have 2 days and the article says one failed Astrogation check can be the end. Hope the characters have a good hyperdrive class...

The product page says the characters only have 2 days and the article says one failed Astrogation check can be the end. Hope the characters have a good hyperdrive class...

... which is largely why we hardly bother with it. 'Youi failed your roll so now you don't get to go on the adventure.'

I know I should sit down one day and try to make it work, but very few players take it and - even in-universe - is seen as a laborious task mostly delegated to NPC droids.

I've had some thoughts about using it for Force-sensitives as a general 'navigation' thing.

For now, I'd sooner see it folded into Computers or Survival.

Edited by Maelora

I have a Force-sensitive character in an upcoming game who's "holocron" offers Astrogation as a career skill, so I look forward to exploring the more esoteric aspects of the skill, but in general I would agree. As it is, Astrogation is a bit too specific to be its own skill.

Also, I don't believe this adventure will literally be "Game Over" if you fail an Astrogation check, I just think it means that the lost time forces you to seriously rethink your priorities, which is how it should be. When you're on a tight deadline (emphasis on "dead"), every mistake is a big deal.

Edited by Absol197

The product page says the characters only have 2 days and the article says one failed Astrogation check can be the end. Hope the characters have a good hyperdrive class...

I'm assuming that's an exaggeration. "You failed one roll, so you lose" is such a N00B GM mistake I doubt it would actually be in a published adventure...