So this past weekend, our session went rather poorly, and in part it was because all of the combat encounters were completely dominated by one character. He is a Merc Soldier / Commando with a couple ranks of True Aim and a light repeating blaster. He literally killed the entire opposition in one combat check for one of the encounters. The other characters can't hold a candle to this guy's combat power.
It seems like this often happens, at least I have seen complaints about Auto Fire and True Aim in other threads. How can I craft combat encounters such that they challenge a combat-focused character but don't leave e.g. our Ace/Pilot completely out of it? Heck, even our Demolitionist with Grenade Launcher can't compete with this guy.
Are there any house rules for Auto Fire that tone it down without completely nerfing it? I'm already using a house rule where True Aim takes 1 strain per rank used, but it doesn't really help when one use of True Aim kills everything in sight.