Attack pass/fail text - would it be better hidden?

By sgwestrip, in Mansions of Madness

I would like to see the pass/fail text hidden until AFTER you have passed or failed test for the attack. At that point you would have already decided how many Clues you wanted to commit to the attack and then, when you saw the pass or fail you would know whether using those extra Clues was a good idea or not?

Making it an option you can turn on would not effect you and would allow those who want it to have a more immersive experience.

Yeah, I was thinking this would be a nice way to add some additional tension to the game. Right now, we have one of us read the text for another and then tell them the outcome based on their result. Obviously, this doesn't really work for solo play.

Where it really doesn't work is if the pass result is test result plus weapon. It is too easy to see that and then use your Clues to get just the right result to kill the monster.

I've done the same, I wasn't going to spend my last clue to kill a hunting horror but then saw that this would actually kill it so changed my mind. It would work better as well as for all other skill tests, not just attack and horror, if the pass fail effect was hidden.


Maybe, they will implement this feature as a HARD mode, in the future. It would be nice.

It would indeed.

I would disagree here. The whole balance of the game is based on a proper risk vs benefit strategy. If you hide the bad effect, then the balance would go straigth to hell. Additionally, if you really want the masochist way, and you don't solo the game, then the non-active player could keep the screen hidden from the active player and read only the relevant part

I would love to see this as an option you could turn on or off. Hope this happens in an update.

This would be a good option to enable/disable. Could be at the start of scenario or at any time depending on what the player wanted.

I was thinking the same thing, although as an option sounds like the best solution.

I'm with Julia here: the game is about risk/balance. When to investigate one more item vs. move one. This includes combat: spend the clue to ensure monster dies now, or hold on to it later when it's time for horror checks?

I'm okay if this is an option to enable for those who really want their games to be difficult; for my part I don't think I'd ever turn it on.

I'm with Julia here: the game is about risk/balance. When to investigate one more item vs. move one. This includes combat: spend the clue to ensure monster dies now, or hold on to it later when it's time for horror checks?

I'm okay if this is an option to enable for those who really want their games to be difficult; for my part I don't think I'd ever turn it on.

I came to this from Eldritch Horror and we always play blind with another player reading a card for you so you can't read ahead, it's more immersive and realistic to make the call before you know the result.

I'm with Julia here: the game is about risk/balance. When to investigate one more item vs. move one. This includes combat: spend the clue to ensure monster dies now, or hold on to it later when it's time for horror checks?

I'm okay if this is an option to enable for those who really want their games to be difficult; for my part I don't think I'd ever turn it on.

I came to this from Eldritch Horror and we always play blind with another player reading a card for you so you can't read ahead, it's more immersive and realistic to make the call before you know the result.

Ditto on having another player read the cards in EH and waiting for you to complete the skill check before reading the pass/fail condition. It really adds a lot to the game when you don't know the result of you passing or failing. I think this would add a lot to atmosphere of MoM. Again, I understand some people may not like that, but I for one would love to see the app support it.

Edited by TheWanderingMiller

This is eaxctly the sort of enhancement that has come up in discussion when I've played. If knowing the future is integral to the game's balance, then I think that is a bit of a smell to a larger issue. Not knowing the future really helps with immersion