Looking for a couple of Players

By siruswraith, in Deathwatch

We have a Deathwatch game, we are a couple of sessions in and a couple of our players flaked out on us so we have a GM and 2 players. We are looking for 1-2 more players, who are familiar with the lore and game well enough to slide into the game, yet not so locked in that deviation cannot be tolerated. There are some interesting mechanics going on in our Jericho Reach, so be prepared. Our current Kill-team is well versed in 40K lore, but still adjusting to the mechanics of DW (we are DH 2e players for the most part). We are a Blood Ravens devastator and an Doom Eagle Tech-Marine, with a possible Space Wolf Scout from time to time; and we are currently at about 18K XP (Still pretty green). our meet time is 1630 UTC, Tuesdays. Please respond if interested.

As an addition, I wanted to put out there that we use Roll 20 to run the game, and Curse voice for... well Comms.

Edited by siruswraith