Where can we go?

By Trialus, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

So, as someone who has only a very cursory knowledge of Lovecraft's work and the Arkham mythos I was wondering where we are likely to be exploring. Even though the name is "Arkham" Horror, I am assuming that we will not be exploring only the town and immediate surroundings.

Having a game set in 1920s (30s? 40s?) earth gives a huge list of possibilities. Mayan temples, New York sewers, Himalayan peaks, haunted Scottish castles...is everything in bounds for the places we might visit or is it likely to be more restricted? Love the idea of all of the exotic and creepy places that exist in that era and hopeful that we might get to visit them.

Oh, and on a secondary note, if anyone has a good source for getting introduced to the setting/lore please feel free to recommend it...thanks.

Any Lovecraft books/stories could give you a feel for the setting. Talking about Arkham City itself, it appears in many stories - as "The Picture in the House", "The Dunwich Horror" and "The Wisperer in Darkness" (follows a wikipedia link with all stories where the city appears or is mentioned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkham#Appearances )

As for the game, I think that probably we'll not wander too much from the city, as in the Arkham Horror Boardgame. Of course we don't know for sure, but Arkham a big city with so many weird things, locations and stories happening, that's my guess :)

But I'd love to see a campaing happening inside Miskatonik University and one inside the Miskatonic Museum of Natural History (Elder Sing-like), since both are located inside Arkham :)

Edited by Arkano

I expect the first cycle to revolve around Arkham, then expand from there.

Any Lovecraft books/stories could give you a feel for the setting. Talking about Arkham City itself, it appears in many stories - as "The Picture in the House", "The Dunwich Horror" and "The Wisperer in Darkness" (follows a wikipedia link with all stories where the city appears or is mentioned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkham#Appearances )

As for the game, I think that probably we'll not wander too much from the city, as in the Arkham Horror Boardgame. Of course we don't know for sure, but Arkham a big city with so many weird things, locations and stories happening, that's my guess :)

But I'd love to see a campaing happening inside Miskatonik University and one inside the Miskatonic Museum of Natural History (Elder Sing-like), since both are located inside Arkham :)

Thanks for the recommendation!! I'll check out those stories.

As for the places,... Yeah, it looks like the Arkham Horror board game did stay pretty close to the town. It looks like the Eldritch Horror game featured a fair bit of Globetrotting, I think I was looking at that and thinking that AH LCG might have us running all over the world.

Without knowing much about the town...Is there really enough going on there to churn out 9 adventures a cycle x multiple years? By way of comparison, LOTR is around 80+ quests out now and is heading territory that is at the edge of the map. And that is with the whole of Middle Earth to draw from. As cool as the university and museum sound, it seems like it would be hard for one town to encompass years of content. Of course, it also seems that AH is focusing on much smaller scale for it's locations (individual rooms in a house from the quest demo'ed at Gencon) so maybe one town will be big enough. That is also assuming that they keep a model close to LOTR and have 3 scenarios per deluxe exp and 1 in each Mythos pack, so who knows...

Al that said, I imagine that you are probably right, but I kinda hope that you are wrong and we get to do some globetrotting...

Edited by Trialus

I'd be pretty shocked if we weren't traveling around the world eventually. Just not in the first cycle.

My first Lovecraft game experience was with Eldritch Horror so I'm hoping we'll get to do some globetrotting. With its scaled down adventures I think Arkham could support us for a while but eventually I think we'll venture into the rest of New England and beyond. Setting is of my favorite aspects of games so I hope they do cool stuff with it.

As for Lovecraft reading, I recommend this list. It lays the mythos out well and gives you a good starting point. I've read the first three on there plus another in a flash game, my favorite being At the Mountains of Madness. The Arctic/Antarctic have always been some of my favorite places on Earth, so I'm glad there's a book on it and entire Elder Sign and Eldritch Horror expansion for the respective settings. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/147987/getting-started-cthulhu-mythos

I expect the first few cycles to start in arkham, dunwich, innsmouth and kingsmouth. Although they end the cycle in a different part of the world.

Some missions will be set inside a single building, mansion, library, witch house, insane asylum etc. And others will involve racing around a city.

Lotr has saga expansions, which follow the books, and I expect a similar treatment here. E.g. a mansions of madness expansion that follows that story and includes a saga specific explorer class.

The most innovative area for this game to explore is beyond the portals or in the dreamlands.

Thanks for the reading list GoldenBoy99...I like that it has a suggested order.

I think mulletcheese has hit on the kind of ideal situation....the campaigns start close, but then lead us to more exotic corners of the globe or into the dreamlands as we discover how large the conspiracies really are.

If Matt's work on LOTR quests is anything to go by then the AH scenarios will just keep getting more interesting and inventive over time...pretty much each LOTR quest has a unique mechanic and flavor...searching for clues, hiding from Nazgul, extinguishing burning villages, going on side quests, boss fights, prison breaks, dealing with weather effects, sailing on boats, sieges...the list goes on. There is pretty much no such thing as a "standard" quest (quest, travel, fight, repeat). The quest demo'ed at gencon seemed relatively simple, but was the equivalent of Passage Through Mirkwood; good fun, but made to be a tutorial. I expect the scenarios to quickly ramp up in terms of complexity and interesting-ness (prob not a word).

Individual campaigns will probably visit multiple locations too. Investigate a local cult in pack 1, track down the local leaders in pack 2, confront them in pack 3 which gives you a clue that the head of the cult is in Morocco or Shangai or whatever so you go there in pack 4, etc...

I'd love to see Egypt. I'm sure at least one of the board games went there. And CoC had a whole cycle where they traveled all over the world.

Individual campaigns will probably visit multiple locations too. Investigate a local cult in pack 1, track down the local leaders in pack 2, confront them in pack 3 which gives you a clue that the head of the cult is in Morocco or Shangai or whatever so you go there in pack 4, etc...

Agreed. I think this is where mulletcheese was getting at as well...hopefully this is how it will play out. Seems like this would give a nice balance of getting to visit Arkham and its surroundings (which imagine will be pretty cool and fans of the lore will probably want to explore in depth) as well as more exotic locations (Morocco, Shanghai and Egypt would all be brilliant).

I still really want to see an Orient Express campaign.

I still really want to see an Orient Express campaign.

Heck yeah!! Snakes on a train!

As long as we explore Miskatonic U, I'm pretty flexible :. I would also love to wander off to the dreamlands for a campaign, where I'm sure Mr. Carter could make an appearenc as an investigator :) . The Silver Key is one of my favourite Lovecraft stories.

I like deep ones and stuff so I'm hoping for a Innsmouth one.

And one focusing on Hastur/ the king in yellow set in a art museum/theather.

Or maybe one set in Kingsport during Christmas! ;)

Edited by Robin Graves

Say, do you think we'll eventually get a dreamlands (stand alone) expansion?

What do you mean by stand alone? We could certainly get a campaign that involved the Dreamlands.

What do you mean by stand alone? We could certainly get a campaign that involved the Dreamlands.

Ok not stand alone, but te equivalent of a deluxe expansion.

and some new investigators with the "dreamer" subtype that would be better in the dreamlands, that would be cool.

I expect all of your suggestions to be reality eventually. There are Egyptian connections with Nyarlathotep (and Bast is real in this mythos, crossing over somewhat into Dreamlands, I think), R'lyeh for Cthulhu, otherworldly dimensions/planets (including Dreamlands) for many of the Old Ones and other critters, and so on.

I expect the first cycle(s) to focus on urban areas . Perhaps a major area per cycle, with Arkham and surroundings being the first. Innsmouth would be a great candidate for the second cycle, as you'd have the Dagon and Cthulhu connections. Yog and Shub can be tossed in just about anywhere, as you just need a remote area, preferably secluded in the woods, and some willing summoners. Hastur has his own realm too - Carcosa (or so most of the major authors agree).

Dreamlands might add whole new mechanics, and nasty new things for the chaos bag :)


I hope Dreamlands arrive for all AH files games. If they do something similar to what they did for Terrinoth (Undead arriving in Descent, and BattleLore, and in the just announced RuneWars: the miniature game), then we could have Dreamlands arriving for Eldritch (actually, this seems to be more than probable if you check some threads over BGG with people decrypting coded messages inside the boxes), and then for other games.

Still, considering this LCG is called Arkham Horror, they'd possibly follow the original Arkham Horror sequence, thus, first deluxe being Dunwich, second being Kingsport, and third being Innsmouth. But still, the game has quite a potential, so, sooner or later I think Dreamlands may come

Still, considering this LCG is called Arkham Horror, they'd possibly follow the original Arkham Horror sequence, thus, first deluxe being Dunwich, second being Kingsport, and third being Innsmouth. But still, the game has quite a potential, so, sooner or later I think Dreamlands may come

Not necessarily. The board game was inherently limited because it was based around a giant board depicting Arkham. Thus, any expansion that added extra locations was limited to places that could be easily reached from Arkham; the only alternatives would have been to either ignore every pretense of verisimilitude (a bad idea for a franchise so heavily invested in "theme") or ditch the Arkham board altogether (which would render that expansion incompatible with all the others).

The Arkham Files games that aren't so mechanically tied to Arkham itself often abandon the continental US altogether in their expansions. <i>Elder Sign</i> eventually went to Alaska, and its app version adds Egypt and the Pacific Ocean as well. <i>Eldritch Horror</i>, which was global in scope to begin with, has sideboards for Antarctica and Egypt. If LotR is any indication, the non-player cards (including locations) will get completely switched out with each Deluxe expansion, so there's nothing that forces the card game to remain in Arkham.

If I had to put money on it, I'd bet that we'll be visiting Innsmouth during the first cycle of Mythos packs (probably near the end, since it's got that climactic "infiltrating the evil lair" feel to it). Later cycles will leave New England for the most part, though you can expect plenty of Lovecraft Country fanservice for special events and PODs (imagine "The Dunwich Horror" being this game's "Battle of Lake-town"!). We're almost certainly going to have cycles in Egypt and the Land of Extreme Hypothermia; beyond that, it's tough to predict. I certainly hope we'll see Dreamlands, but FFG's never gone there before; other possibilities include locations associated with fan-favorite AOs such as Hastur (France), Yig (Southern US), and Shub-Niggurath (any place with plenty of woods).

You kinda missed the point of my post. I simply stated that in the whole Arkham files IP there are two games featuring the same name, Arkham Horror the boardgame and Arkham Horror the LCG. And I said that they COULD decide to follow the very same route they followed for AH, so that I don't see any Dreamlands series coming in the immediate future. But it's just my guts talking here, I clearly may be wrong. In any case I never stated that the game must be confined within Arkham.

As for Dreamlands not being present in the Arkham files universe: true, but it's a "not yet": you may want to check this post here . Considering the first coded message hinted at Nyarlathotep and Nyarly was present in Under the Pyramids, and the second coded message pointed at Hastur, and lo! we now have Hastur; and that the third coded message speaks of Dreamlands, it's only a question of time to see a Dreamlands expansion (big box, thus, sideboard) coming for Eldritch

You kinda missed the point of my post. I simply stated that in the whole Arkham files IP there are two games featuring the same name, Arkham Horror the boardgame and Arkham Horror the LCG. And I said that they COULD decide to follow the very same route they followed for AH, so that I don't see any Dreamlands series coming in the immediate future. But it's just my guts talking here, I clearly may be wrong. In any case I never stated that the game must be confined within Arkham.

As for Dreamlands not being present in the Arkham files universe: true, but it's a "not yet": you may want to check this post here . Considering the first coded message hinted at Nyarlathotep and Nyarly was present in Under the Pyramids, and the second coded message pointed at Hastur, and lo! we now have Hastur; and that the third coded message speaks of Dreamlands, it's only a question of time to see a Dreamlands expansion (big box, thus, sideboard) coming for Eldritch