Air Taki - Comboing Nightmare

By Nyobari, in UFS Deck Building


  • 1x Taki (SC IV)



  • 2x Path of the Master
  • 2x Rekki-Maru & Mekki-Maru
  • 2x Eiserne Drossel


  • 4x Ninja Cannon: Fury
  • 4x Oratorio Halcyon
  • 4x Assassin's Strike
  • 4x Playful Slice

Foundations (40):

  • 3x Trained Far and Wide
  • 3x Musoh-Battoh-Ryu
  • 3x Evil Destroyer
  • 3x Loves Her Blade
  • 4x Carefree
  • 4x Stand Off
  • 4x Mishima Zaibatsu Leader
  • 4x Just Kidding
  • 4x Nursing a Grudge
  • 4x Decepitvely Quick
  • 4x From the Hawk, Alertness

Sideboard (8):

  • 3x Acrobatic
  • 3x ToR - Ancient Gate
  • 2x Knows Her Objective

Misc. Stats:

  • Average Diff.: 2.85
  • Average CC: 4.65
  • High Blocks: 10 (3 w/ a +4)
  • Mid Blocks: 26
  • Low Blocks: 15

Taki, at least on air, seems to be a more tricky build. There's a couple of options to go aggressively, and this is a combo build. There's a couple of benefits to this kind of build. First, is that all the attacks have potential to be big attacks. Second, Trained Far and Wide is an excellent, excellent card which people will often overlook when Taki's F happens. Third, all attacks share at least 2 symbols with her, such that running Path of the Master is still a good idea.

Playful Slice, IMO, is the best attack out of the Quest of Souls set. It enables very early aggression, because your opponent is stuck making the decision to either try and block a 3M5 (higher speed if it's available) or deal with possibly something bigger and faster next. Being a combo and a weapon allows it to be picked up much easier with Nursing a Grudge if it gets blocked early on, and it fufills the combo requirement of both the other combo attacks. If it's not blocked, being able to fetch it with Rekki-Maru and Mekki-Maru simply gets silly late game as multiple of them means your opponent is simply not going to have enough cards in their hand to block everything and you'll have plenty of ready foundations to block if you can't kill them. The deck is not afraid to be aggressive early, mid, or late game to win.

The deck's blocks aren't too bad, cards like Carefree, Loves Her Blade, even Just Kidding are in there for the blocks, as the new rage seems to be killing people with low attacks. Acrobatic is sidboarded for both the block zone and the multiple clearing. Air doesn't have a ton of really good high blocks right now unless they are on attacks. However, it doesn't seem like there's a lot of Mitsurugi Mist Style decks out there to take advantage of that. ToR - Ancient Gate is a last ditch effort against someone who's also doing combos. It doesn't help the deck win, but it's controllable on your own kill turn and can prevent others from doing their combo attacks against you.

A couple things of note... Perfect Sense of Balance was left out on purpose, as against Stun decks, as it'd be the first card flipped over by an opponent, so why bother if it doesn't have a block on it. Deceptively Quick is on the chopping block for Quick Exit, but that'd involve both getting Quick Exits and having something more than the assets in readying. There's really not enough speed in the deck to justify switching from Ninja Cannon to Waterfall. There is no quality anti-discard on Air, you have to rely on Taki to help keep as much discard or Ancient Fighting Style off their board so the are less apt to discard during your turn.