This is what WHF NG could have been

By TheRealStarkiller, in Runewars Miniatures Game

An easy to access rank and file system, out-of-the-box while scaleable - Hallelujah!

Even the factions in the core set seems to be perfect, Empire versus Skeleton Warriors (yeah I know, this isn't the Empire and it isn't the army of Heinrich Kemmler)

I only wished that this game takes place in the Old World of Warhammer! Like 'Warhammer Fantasy - Next Generation Gaming' or something like that. I still love the old Warhammer fluff and factions.

But this is a new opportunity. The models are not ugly (and not filled with skulls either) and the rules seem to be solid. Count me in.

Edited by TheRealStarkiller

Do you like old Warhammer? go for Ninth Age, more balanced than the own WHF 8.0 and made by fans for fans, they don't look for profits, and you can use the miniatures you want.

Agree that ninth age is great, though I wouldn't be surprised if whfb became a Rune Wars expansion

Agree that ninth age is great, though I wouldn't be surprised if whfb became a Rune Wars expansion

I have to disagree with you, Do you think Games Workshop is going to allow FFG with something they have created to compete with Age of Sigmar and WH40k? the people who play miniature games are limited and they don't want to loose more players.

I could see after a while depending of the sales of AoS to reedit WHFB like they are doing with Bloodbowl, after many years maintained by fans, GM want again a piece of the cake.

I think a WHFB expansion is roughly equal in likelihood to seeing a Pokemon expansion. No way GW would want this.

GW is too selfish when it comes to their miniatures.

They still need lessons in 'divide and rule'.