Advanced Gunnery + Ackbar + MC80

By Davard, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hi Everyone

I've been playing / reading boards for a few months but haven't had a reason to comment much until now. This came up a few days ago and I'm wondering if we did it right in the game. Below is the ship and cards.

I was Player 1, Imp.

Scenario : Advanced Gunnery

Ship : MC80 Assault Cruiser

Title : Defiance

Admiral : Ackbar

Cards in question: Overload Pulse

Enhanced Armament

Command dial : Concentrate Fire

The MC80 was the Objective Ship for Rebels for this game.

Basically on turn 3 the MC and an ISD (Me) were about at a "T". The ISD already moved when this happened.

The dice were as follows: 6 (base for ship side arc), +2 Red (Ackbar), + 1 (Enhanced Armament), + 1 (Defiance title), + 1 (Concentrate Fire command) = 11 die (7 Red, 4 blue)

The role came up as: 3 Red blanks, 2 Red double hits, 1 Red accuracy, 1 Red single hit, 2 Blue single hits, 1 Blue crit, 1 blue accuracy.

The Blue crit, with Overload Pule took out all the defense cards, and the ISD took 7 damage. The ISD didn't have any upgrades to change the Overload Pulse.

Are there any things to change the effects of that card?

Anyways, it did 4 shields, 3 hull damage. THEN

The MC80 is the Second Players Objective ship, so it could shoot twice from the same arc into the same target.

10 dice rolled this time (-1 for the Concentrate Fire Command being used) and there was a total of 9 damage with 10 dice. Which was just the most disgusting roll ever for my ISD.

POOF!!! A brand new ISD II gone in 1 turn.

So, the question is, did we do that right? Are all those dice mods able to be added to both shots?

I did not think the +1 die for Concentrate Fire would be, but all the others fit the description of what happened. All the descriptions on all the cards were met, and I've never seen anything that states the upgrades or a rule like Ackbar's is just for the first shot.




You can't fire at the same ship twice with Gunnery Teams. It's an easy thing to miss, I know I did.

The MC in this instance, didn't have Gunnery Team though.

Ok if I am reading it right,

You cannot trigger Overload Pulse before the Defender can use his Defense Tokens.

So on the first attack against your ISD, you can use all your Defense Tokens. (minus the ones affected by accuracys)

On the second attack you can still discard your spent Defense Tokens to generate their standard effect. (minus the ones affected by accuracys)

Only one ship in the game currently does not allow you to spend exhausted defense tokens, and that is Avenger ISD.

And this is a good reason to take ECM on your ISD, it allows you to spend a Defense Token that has been targeted by an accuracy, Brace Brace Brace.

Best case scenario, first attack, you lose 7(front/side) shields using a redirect.

Second attack you take 5 damage and burn your brace, burn a redirect, lose 2 shields(rear) take 3 damage cards.

Edited by TheEasternKing

A pimped out MC80 with AG is a fearsome opponent, so it's not entirely outrageous for it to wreck something with that double side arc. That's a ton of points wrapped up in that thing, and this is pretty much its optimal situation.

You did it mostly right, with a couple of critical issues.

First, it sounds like you resolved OP before spending defense tokens on that first shot. This is a common misconception: the order of resolution here is:

Attacker gathers dice based on range and arc as applicable

Attacker rolls dice

Attacker modifies dice/spends accuracies (Defiance, CF, leading shots, etc happen here)

Defender spends defense tokens (evade and scatter take effect here; brace and redirect are delayed)

Attacker resolves critical effects (the default critical's effect doesn't come up until later, but it resolves here; so do special crits like OP)

Attacker totals damage

Defender resolves brace and redirect based on which tokens they spent above

Attacker deals damage one point at a time to the target hull zone

Which means the defense tokens are spent before OP exhausts them for that first shot. So your ISD should've gotten to use them on that first shot.

The other thing is, it sounds like you didn't use your defense tokens at all . Remember, even if they're exhausted, you still get the opportunity to use them, they're just discarded. Suggest you go re-read how defense tokens work if you didn't get this, paying close attention to the words "spend," "exhaust," refresh," and "discard."

As for every upgrade applying to both shots--yeah, pretty much. Unless it's an exhaust effect (see Sensor Teams, for example), you can always use it as long as the criteria described on the card are met. For example, as long as you're only going to be firing out side arcs in a turn, you can always use Ackbar, even if the scenario is a little weird like the AG double-side-arc.

Also worth noting, though not part of your question: Defiance could have been adding a black, + another black for CF on that first shot. The card specifies any color , and it takes effect after you've checked for range. Then, you CF after adding the Defiance die, giving you a black to then CF.

Edited by Ardaedhel

Thanks for all the info.

We differed to the back page of the Rules Reference book. Under "Attack Resolution", it has Step 3 Resolve Attack Effects, then Step 4 is Spend Defense Tokens.

With that, we thought OP was part of Step 3, and took out all the tokens before they could be used.

So with the first roll, there were 2 Accuracy die. Those could have been used even before OP came into effect. Then on the second roll I think there was 1 Accuracy die. That could have been used on Brace even though it was Exhausted by OP?

Thanks again,


Thanks for all the info.

We differed to the back page of the Rules Reference book. Under "Attack Resolution", it has Step 3 Resolve Attack Effects, then Step 4 is Spend Defense Tokens.

With that, we thought OP was part of Step 3, and took out all the tokens before they could be used.

So with the first roll, there were 2 Accuracy die. Those could have been used even before OP came into effect. Then on the second roll I think there was 1 Accuracy die. That could have been used on Brace even though it was Exhausted by OP?

Thanks again,


Yes, Accuracy results are resolved before you spend Defense Tokens.

Electronic countermeasures are a must have upgrdade on an ISD II

And now you might think twice before picking advanced gunnery

Yes you should think very carefully before selecting Advanced gunnery when your opponent has an MC80 especially if it is Ackbar assisted. This also holds true if he has an ISD, Mon Karren MC80 Liberty or even a tooled up Nebulon-B Salvation.

Also always put ECM on an ISD-II, if not save yourself points and go for an ISD-I.

Your opponent could have put Heavy Turbolaser Turrets on his MC80. It has a really nice synergy on a ship with OL Pulse. If the enemy see a blue crit they will usually spend every defence token they can as they know they will be exhausted anyway. HTTs stop this.