Hey all,
Over the last couple of weeks I've been cranking out some code to generate rival NPCs for this system. I've got something basic working, to the point where I'd probably be comfortable to rely on it during my session this Sunday, but it does have a few odd behaviours that I may not have time to iron out before I go on holiday next week. I posted it on r/swrpg and got some good feedback, thought it would be great to see what the community at large thought of it.
You can find a running copy of it at https://threetoes.github.io/ and source is at https://github.com/ThreeToes/sw-rival-gen if you feel like forking it and making it better in my absence
Let me know what you think, I know the layout is pretty crap and it's devoid of colour, and that personality traits conflict from time to time, and attributes don't match species.... Basically, it's picking equipment and attributs/skills/equipment from lists at the moment. I will fix it when I have time, but this is an OK stopgap solution I think. Also let me know if you use it live, it's mobile friendly so should work on anything with a newer browser installed. Would be good to get even more feedback on how to make it better