Look what the TIE/sf can do!

By Parakitor, in X-Wing Battle Reports

After picking up two TIE/sf expansion packs at GenCon, I just had to try them at game night. I flew the two named TIE/sf's with two generic TIE/fo's.

2x Epsilon Sq. Pilot

"Backdraft" (Advanced Sensors, Special Ops Training, Predator, Sensor Cluster)

"Quickdraw" (Electronic Baffle, Special Ops Training, Predator, Sensor Cluster)

I was up against

Two Blue Sq. Pilots with Tractor Beam, and Ten Numb with Autoblaster. There was some other stuff, too, but it's not important.

Here's the coolest part of the match.


In the previous rounds, Ten Numb had taken some shots from my TIEs, and most recently ate a range 1 aft shot from "Backdraft" - 3 dice + crit! However, "Backdraft" was now sitting at 1 hull because of Ten's Autoblaster. I had to be careful how I maneuvered.


I barrel rolled with "Backdraft, hoping to avoid Ten's arc...


Except Ten could barrel roll to give chase to "Backdraft." If Ten fires, "Backdraft" is toast.


"Quickdraw" to the rescue! I had dialed in a speed 1 turn to port, and used Electronic Baffle to ditch the stress and take the shot at Ten. 2 damage, 2 hull left. Now it's the start of combat, and oh look! "Quickdraw" is PS 9 and gets to shoot again, taking out Ten and saving "Backdraft's" life. We ended up tabling his squad without any losses.

Does anybody else have some great TIE/sf success stories? Please post them here and share the love! I want to hear about your First Order exploits with the Special Forces!

This is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to do with a baffled Quickdraw, and exactly why I was hoping to fly them in pairs. Unfortunately, I have to wait (unless FFG was kind enough to allow them to be sold at UK Nationals... plz?) to enjoy their trickery.

Were you successfully using quickdraw in the activation phase?

Were you successfully using quickdraw in the activation phase?

Yes, that's exactly what happened - and it was awesome! The best part is that Quickdraw fires at PS 9, so it's almost like he gets to fire twice in a row. However, I believe his attack happens before he can take an action (after she removed stress with Electronic Baffle), so it's an unmodified shot. Some people choose rage, but I feel like Predator gets more utility throughout, and I can use one of the plentiful red maneuvers to activate the baffle and take the damage.

Were you successfully using quickdraw in the activation phase?

Yes, that's exactly what happened - and it was awesome! The best part is that Quickdraw fires at PS 9, so it's almost like he gets to fire twice in a row. However, I believe his attack happens before he can take an action (after she removed stress with Electronic Baffle), so it's an unmodified shot. Some people choose rage, but I feel like Predator gets more utility throughout, and I can use one of the plentiful red maneuvers to activate the baffle and take the damage.

Rage lets you reroll 3 dice per attack, until end of round. With mk.ii mod, Quick has 9 greens to clear 2nd stress. I say if you are going to take a damage to attack, better make the most of it, and that is what rage does.

Rage,Baffle,Mk.II. An easy 3pts to toss on...


I'm well aware of that combo. I fully intend to try that at some point. It's just that I wanted to try something a little different.