Terrinoth property that I've been wondering about since Runebound 1e!!!!Wasn't sure about this when I saw the announcement, but when I watched the video of the demo playthrough at GenCon I was hooked. It hits on so many cylinders for me. The great movement mechanic of Xwing/Wings of War, custom dice ala WHFRP/SW and Xwing/Armada, customizations ala Xwing/Armada, tactical choices on how you build your army as any good minis game should allow (what a genius way to get value from wide frontage and deep ranks), great looking models, and a solid use of their proprietary mechanics. Long time FFG fan and even longer time minis game fan is excited.
Can't wait to see more as things unfold including more on the upgrades system and army building. Looks like a solid winner here so far...
...worried about how FFG releases things. This game will need a solid and predictable release schedule to be more than a passing fancy with miniatures gamers. Especially if we want to see more factions and deep unit choices. I worry about it selling out at release then 3 months or so before restock and maybe within that timeframe the unit packs to expand the lists. Hopefully this will all be covered, but the worst thing about Armada/Xwing (and many FFG products) is the molasses slow release cycle. Really want this to succeed and the hangup would be the release schedule (figs, extra trays, etc).
Edited by keltheos