I want to start of by saying the new soldier system in "To Forge a Realm" Greatly improved the combat at the end of the year. I do however find it near impossible to fail in most games. I'm sure I am not the only one, but even as a minor expansion, new additional invaders would be a wonderful addition to the game. Possibly with some new mechanics rather than simple victory and loss conditions. Perhaps invaders like cultists who negatively effect those with the religious buildings, or really difficult big bads as the year 5 card. I've always found the invaders a little disappointing, throwing in some really nice surprises could be a fantastic and refreshing addition to the game.
More invader options in the future.
I completely agree with you on half of your topic : new baddies, that d be great, because new content is always great - except that if tFaR was the one and only expansion ever made for that game, I d be ok, since it made the game from good to perfect.
However, I disagree with you on the other half : it is absolutely not impossible to loose a war in winter, and especially for one reason : to improve like crazy your victory points at the end of the game and get past 55, you HAVE to take some risks. Build a lot of buildings with high VP but not necessarily soldiers. And believe me, that sometimes make you loose your winter war. I might tease you a bit saying that if you never loose a war anymore. that probably means you dont make a big score at the end, and that you dont take big risks
(just a friendly tease)
The Armory, for example, is a big risk I like.
Yeah, I think it may also depend on how many players you typically run with and how aggressive they are to block the leaders out of Soldier gaining spaces.
I've seen some people lose battle cause they banked on this, and then could never get the spots and didn't really have money to hire out new additional help.
i think new invaders wud b great. different types with rules relating 2 them. i dont mind the simple way of working out a deciding the battle though. i used 2 think that u cud never lose, however i the started pushing my luck more as other players were ahead and thenu start 2 realise that with more people, u find urself trying 2 not fall behind on v.p. track and then the battles become tougher and more exciting