More than one copy?

By midnor, in Runewars Miniatures Game

A lot will depend on the price point. If I can buy a couple trays worth of dudes and accoutrements for $19.99 then FFG can follow the same model as they've used for X-Wing and I'll happily make weekly or bi-weekly purchases.

Edit: But I doubt I'll ever get into this game so I decided it wasn't worth getting involved in this argument.

Aw, come on, at least get the core set!

What will I do in an FFG forum without VanorDM as a voice of reason?

Seriously though, you're spot on. The "miniature gamers won't X" argument is incredibly reductive, but at least the few who've fielded it in this thread have since clarified their positions and opinions. We all have different perceptions of "what the community is" based on our disparate local gaming experiences.

I agree about the "real miniature gamers" discussion. Many X Wing players are former players of numerous other systems. In addition, and I say this with a hint of regret, hardcore miniature wargamers such as myself have fallen for every trick in the book. If you've even slightly dipped your Willy into Games Workshop's sales approach, you get my drift.


I really hate waving my wargaming history around as some kind of nerd cred but... this is me. I can't possibly even begin to quantify how much time and money I've sunk into wargames over my life. I don't want to. It'd depress me.

I'm fatigued by the poor rules design and avaricious practices of companies like GW, and thoroughly appreciate the streamlined but nuanced approach FFG takes to their games and SEEMS to be taking with this game. I know I'm not alone.

Based on previous FFG gaming experiences, I'm already comfortable jumping headfirst into RuneWars, whereas with GW (a company I've patronized for most of my combined adult/child life, including my current status as a manchild) I wouldn't trust a new game of theirs without a slew of positive reviews from people I trust thoroughly. Hell, I don't trust them not to completely destroy 40k with the next edition.

FFG? If they sent me a letter asking me to GIVE them $100 on the vague promise that at some point in the next few years they'd send me a wargame of their design with no other description, I'd strongly consider it.

Edited by Tvayumat

Aw, come on, at least get the core set!

I have to admit after watching the TC demo game, I'm tempted... $100 for that many models is a great deal and the game looks like it could really be fun and offer a lot of cool options. I guess I'd have to see who if anyone would be interested in playing it at my LGS.

I'll see if a friend wants to split 2 core sets.

I'll take undying and he'll take the humans. That will gives an excellent core force to build on.

I would not buy two cores, you will end up with multiple useless hero's that won't be very easy to move on ebay. that perspective is based, of course, on the very limited info we have on the game at the moment.

If the core provides a decent foundation, it seems adding expansions instead would round out variety and options for unit selection. If I buy-in that will be my route.

I sure hope they have card options that allow you to play that one hero figure as multiple types of heroes! I'm planning on definitely getting two core sets, and am confident that they'll come through for me!

I would not buy two cores, you will end up with multiple useless hero's that won't be very easy to move on ebay. that perspective is based, of course, on the very limited info we have on the game at the moment.

If the core provides a decent foundation, it seems adding expansions instead would round out variety and options for unit selection. If I buy-in that will be my route.

I sure hope they have card options that allow you to play that one hero figure as multiple types of heroes! I'm planning on definitely getting two core sets, and am confident that they'll come through for me!

I think these heroes are named ones not generic so i don't think you will be able to play multiple ones, but we will see.

Edited by Iceeagle85

I think these heores are named ones not generic so i don't think you will be able to play multiple ones, but we will see.

The card of Kari and Ardus are marked with a symbol underneath their names, it probably indicates their uniqueness.

I would not buy two cores, you will end up with multiple useless hero's that won't be very easy to move on ebay. that perspective is based, of course, on the very limited info we have on the game at the moment.

If the core provides a decent foundation, it seems adding expansions instead would round out variety and options for unit selection. If I buy-in that will be my route.

I use them as painting practice or give them to my sons to paint

I know I will be picking up at least 1 Core Set.

Honestly, when new games are introduced, oftentimes folks like us who like this crap already want to play bigger games and buy multiple sets so we can get our big war game action on.

I have gotten more patient over time, and am a little more willing to wait and let things develop. It seems to me they are setting up the game so you can buy units and unit attachments at a reasonably clip.

Besides, I don't want massive Waiqar or Daqan armies. I want Latari and or Uthuk this time around.