200 Point Friendly Game Saturday

By bgrelle, in X-Wing Battle Reports

http:// NlmNIevh.jpg

So the picture above is of the setup for my 200 point friendly game at a buddy's house Saturday. I am flying the Empire Swarm on the left and my buddy is flying the rebel scum on the right. Long game, (mostly due to my buddy taking too long to do anything) close to 4.5 hours of game time but in the end I kicked his rebel butt and only lost two ships in the process. SO MUCH FUN flying the 5 naked Tie F/Os at PS3 along side Dark Curse, Countess Ryad with VI, one Glaive and Tomax.

Did you really play with no obstacles? Your friend was doomed. ;)

LOL, yes we did. When we decided to play at 200 I suggested no obstacles and he agreed. He then built his list and I built mine. I went lots of ships few upgrades and he went few ships lots of upgrades. He then got mad at me for having so many ships and I said he could have done the same. He thinks the only way to win is to have every ship as upgraded as possible. I showed him otherwise. Later that evening I helped him put together a 9 ship list using all of his S&V ships using low PS and few upgrades. He argued the whole time about how this ship will suck without this that or the other and I kept telling him to broaden his thinking. We will see what happens the next time we play.

I'm surprised he doesn't understand the concept of "concentrated fire". Mohr ships the better usual in Epic play.

If he's rebel he should understand the Biggs effect. Remind him that high-cost ships get LESS productive the more stuff you slap on them, and just attract a ton of fire.

Of course, he could always take Assault missiles.... ;)

Yea he even goofed and forgot to deploy the phantom before I destroyed the ghost so it already had one hull gone before it even hit the play matt. I am thinking next time I will change things up on him some and go with a 5 - 6 ship list that uses higher PS pilots but still not fully loading the ships down. We are both new to the game but have very different play styles so it makes for good back and forth gaming.