Escape from Innsmouth Question

By Drakthal, in Mansions of Madness

Hi everyone

Me and my gaming group are planning to play MoM tonight. However i want to minimize the probability that the app will fail us, so i have the following question.

Have anyone experienced errors with the Escape from Innsmouth mission when playing in one sitting, and on a pc? If so did the error happen after the last patch?

Best regards Drakthal

PC and single session work fine for me

I tried the Escape from Innsmouth scenario on a PC (with version 1.0.1 as well I think) and had a number of problems. Starting with the app locking up forcing a save and quit followed by a restart, before it finally locked up for good. BoardGameGeek seems to have a number of people encountering problems with the same scenario.

You might be better off trying on of the other scenarios and skipping this one until FFG sort out the bugs.

Edited by Aravar

I've had the app become unresponsive two times near the end of the scenario and lost all progress. I'll be avoiding this scenario until a patch comes out.

Or maybe avoid entirely? I'm being a tad glib but it's a bit of an unwieldy (and unfair) mess atm IMO. Yet "Shattered Bonds" is good clean fun.

I went through Escape from Insmouth on Saturday with the App from Steam, and didn't have a single problem with it.

Locked up for me.

Hi everyone

Me and my gaming group are planning to play MoM tonight. However i want to minimize the probability that the app will fail us, so i have the following question.

Have anyone experienced errors with the Escape from Innsmouth mission when playing in one sitting, and on a pc? If so did the error happen after the last patch?

Best regards Drakthal

Yes, many many reports of it crashing. It has crashed for me twice in the same location, 2 hours in. I would avoid this one.

I have had no crashes with story 1 and 3. Story 4 has had a big crash reported at the end as well.

FFG confirmed a new patch is incoming later this week