RtL: Quest #7 The Graveyard, Undying with Sacrifice ability?

By shnar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We're about to start Quest 7, and the Dungeon Leader is a Master Skeleton. His special is "When Adrian is reduced to zero wounds or less, the overlord may sacrifice (i.e.. remove from the board) one non-Master Skeleton within 5 spaces of Adrian to restore Adrian to full wounds." Does this ability happen before or after Undying?


It looks like it's meant to happen before. His ability is when he's reduced to 0 wounds, while undying happens when the figure is killed. It's stretching a little, since there's no real timing rules in Descent, but that's how we would have played it if the heroes hadn't just killed all the normal skeletons at the exact same time they killed the leader (with the silver knockback hammer, knight, unmovable, and a breath rune).

I agree. To the best of my knowledge, that is supposed to be used before Undying.

However, and sorry to be a nitpicking jerk James, a monster with Undying isn't actually killed until they fail their roll. Prior to that they are still considered to be alive.

The rules say that Undying triggers "when a monster is killed." You don't trigger other "when it's killed" effects unless it actually stays dead, but I believe the semantic nitpicking jerk award goes to me this round. :)

James McMurray said:

The rules say that Undying triggers "when a monster is killed." You don't trigger other "when it's killed" effects unless it actually stays dead, but I believe the semantic nitpicking jerk award goes to me this round. :)

Fair enough, I always tend to go with them not being killed "killed" because of that second part.

/me does the nitpicking jerk dance. ;)

Just a side question....

There are a few quests that state "Bob always succeeds on his first undying roll"

Does this mean his VERY first one, or every time he is reduced him to zero wounds each round?

Just his first one. Any others are no longer first.