It seems that Relic was FFG's response to the Timescape expansion from Talisman. Timescape was wanted by many fans but since it wasn't of the fantasy genre it seemed out of place. The answer was to create a new Talisman-like game similar to Timescape but within the warhammer 40k universe. However, since it was a new creation, FFG was not constrained by traditions of game mechanics like they were with Talisman. As a result we get a game which has the full FFG treatment of how to make a kick-ass game. They were able to do the game properly as to how they think would make it good. A game mechanic like having three different decks to draw from and the spaces telling you which ones from each, make each space interesting, as in Talisman every space pretty much ends up being the same and serves no purpose. There are other improved changes as well. Once Relic gets as many expansions as Talisman currently has, it will truly be epic and more fun to play than Talisman itself (Although I think Relic already is more fun).
Relic is Talisman with an FFG twist.
Nah, I'll still go Talisman over Relic any day of the week and twice on Sunday (230+ plays vs 90 plays). Lack of PvP is the biggest thing denying Relic any shot at dethroning Talisman, Nemesis addition improved things a bit, but then the Nemeses themselves are rather boring to play. I'd say the games actually play pretty much around the same time, yet Relic, since I started keeping track of rounds averages about 32 rounds to finish, you can get 50ish rounds in Talisman in that same 60-70 minute time frame (if you're going over 90 minutes in either game at 3-p, not sure what you're doing, but I don't want to be in your games).
Being one of those who value Relic more than Talisman (although the latter has the big nostalgia-bonus), I nevertheless fear that Relic is now abandoned by FFG, meaning, I doubt that any more expansions will be published.
And I don't miss the PvP thing anyway. What I'd wish for is a "robot" Nemesis.
A Necron Nemesis, along side a Necron themed expansion would be the answer to your "robot" Nemesis.
I know some people hate extra boards, but the idea of an extra board representing a 'Necron Tomb World' along with a green threat deck is something that really appeals to me.
Being one of those who value Relic more than Talisman (although the latter has the big nostalgia-bonus), I nevertheless fear that Relic is now abandoned by FFG, meaning, I doubt that any more expansions will be published.
Well unfortunately, it looks like you are right. GW & FFG have parted ways (per the news on FFG's front page).
I like the game and was hoping to see additional expansions for Relic. That, and having Nomad Games Talisman the Horus Heresy come into print with FFG.
Who know what will happen now.
Oh yeah, and as a side note...what does that mean for my 40K FFG Avatar. Does this now go away and those of us with GW images have to find a new one?
I'd have wished for at least a small box expansion with more characters and tons of cards ... *sigh*