Same Scale as Recent Descent 2e? ...also Ardus Ix'Erebus

By KrisWall, in Runewars Miniatures Game

It looks like the "leader guy" for the undead portion of the set is Ardus Ix'Erebus, a recent Lieutenant from the Descent 2e: Journeys in the Dark board game. The pose is identical, and other than possibly the horns, the detail looks identical too. Incidentally, Ardus sells for $8.95 for Descent and includes 12 cards and 8 tokens. This might give us an idea of how much "hero" figures will cost in this game once the inevitable expansions start coming out.

Fantasy Flight Games has a history of reusing models with very minor tweaks between games. As examples, the Gozanti space ship models from Star Wars Rebellion are the same sculpt and size as the upcoming Star Wars Armada Wave III pack. Runebound shares models with Decent. I think Nanok of the Blade is available in both and is the same model. From a manufacturing standpoint, it makes total sense to share components between games... less overall development cost as you don't have to start from scratch with each new game.

Having said all this, I'm in. I'm a long time table top gamer and have been saying for years that I wish FFG would write a table top rule set. Armada works great. X-Wing works great. This appears on the surface to be a similar type of game play. I can't wait. Wish it was being released tomorrow.

So... how do you post pictures as pictures here? I'm apparently not smart enough to figure it out.

Use the code, not html.


Thank you kind wookie. Sorry I didn't get any better pictures before I had to pack it up. I didn't even think to do comparison shots till the last hour the hall was open.

Curious then, what scale are we looking at? 28 or 32?

25-28mm. That's a Descent 2e figure next to the spearman, Descent 2e miniatures are comparable to "non-heroic" (I hate that term) 28mm. Note that if you have any Descent 1e figures, those were visibly smaller, closer to 25mm.

As an aside, 28mm 'heroic' isn't a scale, it's what manufacturers used to call 28mm that doesn't hold scale properly, originally due to plastic manufacturing limitations.

Also, 32mm isn't a scale, it's what manufacturers call 28mm 'heroic' now since that term had some bad PR over being associated mainly with Games Workshop.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

i like my 32 heroic :wub:

btw that golem is soo cool