Recommended player count

By StalkinPanda, in Mansions of Madness

Hey all,

My copy is in the mail but I was wondering what in your opinion is the best player count?

Is it necessary to play all scenarios with the same players?

Thanks in advance!

The app scales difficulty according to the number of investigators, so, really, you have a lot of freedom.

As for me, I prefer playing 4 because I really like the interactions among characters, and have more options to distribute damage, but it's just a question of personal taste

Thanks for the answer, Julia.

My choice will probably be either four or five players. Since Eldritch Horror works best with an even number of players, it's good to hear five players can play MoM just as well.

2 players seems very hard to me. We won the only 3 player scenario we tried (Cycle of Eternity), and lost Cycles of Eternity and both Innsmouth scenarios in the last final culmination of the scenario. There were just simply too many monsters to handle. Not to mention the fire which is harder to extinguish with fewer players as you can't move as many spaces. Nearly all of Innsmouth was on fire in one game.. :o

The difference between a 2-player and 3-player Cycle of Eternity really felt like the balancing was a bit off, but we DID know how to strategize a bit better the 2nd time around.

I don't want to play with multiple investigators if I can help it as the insanity mechanic doesn't seem to work as well due to the hidden nature of the condition.

The game supports up to 5 players, but in my experience, 4 players is the sweet spot!