Hi this is just idle speculation the idea for a house rule just occurred to me and I wanted your thought on it. The idea is allowing players to have 2 careers, one each from 2 different game line and what that means to me is essentially letting them merge 2 careers:
- they only get one set of starting careers (possibly their choice, and the starting spec bonus career skills could possibly be from the other career)
- they pay the in career cost for new specializations for those two careers and
- can take signature abilities from both careers, however you still can only have 2 signature abilities but you have 4 to choose 2 from.
Along with this rule I'm also thinking about letting them take a universal spec as their starting spec with either of their careers, and universal specs now count as in career specs for everyone so signature abilities can be attached to them.
Reasons I'm considering it
- new specializations signature abilities as new books are announced/bought could have changed what the player would have chosen if they had access to it at the time of character creation
- some careers are natural analogs/extensions of each other, for example: Hired-Gun:Soldier, Technician:Engineer, Colonist:Diplomat (politico:Ambassador/Agitator, Entrepreneur:Quarter-Master, Scholar:Analyst)
- a choice of starting skills that better fits the character concept
- being able to start Solider:Recruit or Spy:Recruit or almost anything:Recruit is very thematically appropriate (you started training for a career but joined the military before finishing "college")
- EotE/AoR career with a starting spec of Force Sensitive Emergent or Force Sensitve Exile puts them on par with FaD careers, especially and then letting them choose a FaD career so they can get a lightsaber specialization at in career cost and FaD signature abilities
- As an "alternative" (as in don't even ask) to making custom specs (which are often over powered even if well intentioned) that "better fit the character concept (the reason I wanted to do it was primarily to get a better set of career skills, but then choosing talents was problematic)
So... what do you guys think?
Edited by EliasWindrider