not sure which one to make? or both?
Rock Howard Deck order or All?
Well, while I may not be the bestest ( or even good ) player, my Rock Howard deck is mostly all. I have a splash set of Order, though it's mostly for things to manipulate attacks - reducing them to printed value, changing zones, etc.
Which rock howard are we talking about? Promo or pack?
No, point in making a deck for a dead game.
does not matter just a deck in general
Rock Howard off Order is real clutch.
But in the end, I think All brings more to the table in terms of versatility.
GoldenEXP said:
does not matter just a deck in general
Uhm, actually it makes quite a difference.
Promo Rock Howard is really solid and draws a TON. On the other hand, Starter Rocky kinda sucks it BIG time.
i use all three cards. but all huh... wat kind of deck? about drawing power?
do you really have to ask ? if you can make both , why wouldnt you ?