Painting Tutorials...

By SirWillibald, in Runewars Miniatures Game

From the announcement:

"We’ll offer more information on painting your figures, along with in-depth tutorials, as the game comes closer to release."

Am I the only one hoping they actually hired Sorastro for this??

From the announcement:

"We’ll offer more information on painting your figures, along with in-depth tutorials, as the game comes closer to release."

Am I the only one hoping they actually hired Sorastro for this??

I wonder. Sorastro did disclose FFG wants to sponsor him and that there's one "to be announced, can't talk about it" -game he's very excited about. Maybe it's this game.

Quick painting tutorial.

Learn to dry-brush, learn to ink.

Save yourself a lot of drudge work.

Here endeth the lesson.