Sentry Box - CALGARY - League II - AUG->OCT

By Drasnighta, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Sentry Box Fortnightly League III - The Return of the Leagueing!

$5 Entry Fee to the League!

Pay at the Front Desk, Receive your Alt Art "XI7 Turbolasers" Card immediately for Participating!

Prizes for Most Wins, Most Losses, and Overall Points, as well as a Bunch of Randoms! (From the Summer Kit + More!)

Games nominally at 400pts

This League is DROP IN AND OUT Casual... Can't attend a week? No Big Deal! The more you Play, the More Points you rack up, though!

2 Points for a Win
1 Point for a Loss
1 Point if you Pimp your Game
(IE, Giving Results and a brief description) on the Calgary Armada Facebook Group, or on the FFG Forums or any place that someone else can read it!

We shall also Endeavour to run a "Take the Station" game every week, Participation pending, with a separate prize given at the end for that.

This League runs 7 Gaming Days in Total, and we WILL be running the Corellian Conflict Campaign when that arrives, after this League Runs up, again, Participation pending (as that is more of a commitment)

Dates are as Follows:

AUG 21
SEP 04
SEP 18
OCT 02
OCT 16
OCT 30