Road to Legend Dungeon Text

By DyersEve0003, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey guys, long time reader, new poster...I have a question about the Road to Legend Dungeons, mainly the rumors Vanilla Descent, the boxed text is the only thing read to the heroes, what is read to the heroes in RTL, because some of the non boxed text are for instance the boss of that dungeon level inflated stats from the card, should that be read to them, or another instance in rumor 4 the hatchlings heroes have to get to the encounter markers to pick up the eggs, do you tell them the encounter markers are eggs, or just let them find out for themselves since it says the encounter markers are eggs in the non-boxed text? Thanks for any answers given.

If RtL doesn't override them, you use the default rules for revealing areas in the main book. I've only got the electronic rules available, and it says to reference the quest guide. But from what I remember, one of the things you tell them is any changes made to stats of named monsters in the area.