This is what i'm looking for in a game

By hiddenkenobi, in Star Wars: Destiny

i'll admit i'm casual in my gaming. this will probably be my Christmas gift to half my family this year.

I loved epic duels the old hasbro game where anyone from star wars could fight anyone else. this continues that. and i'm a saga lover. So glad to see all the movies available here. i'm going all in on this game. Gotta get qui gon and mustafar

As I fan of the SW LCG, I have to agree. The LCG I feel has slowed down in recent times, as they are only focusing on original trilogy content. But this feels fresh as it is from prequels, originals, and sequels.

I just got out of Pokemon last year and I had an itch every since then. I love the Star Wars LCG but THIS game will feed that itch without back tracking or going into something I don't have the passion for like I do Star Wars.

I just got out of Pokemon last year and I had an itch every since then. I love the Star Wars LCG but THIS game will feed that itch without back tracking or going into something I don't have the passion for like I do Star Wars.

A similar situation for me as well JediGeekGirl; our Dice Masters player base is now nearly non-existent here in Central California. Thankfully I was only collecting the D&D sets.

I've been craving a CCG surrounding a theme I appreciate every since.

I was underwhelmed to say the least about the Munckin CCG (upcoming) when I watched the video presentation from Eric M. Lang. Thankfully, Is soon stumbled across Legends.

I have two friends already jumping in after we discussed SWL, and here's an interesting note:

The would not have bought in if it was an LCG format.

I'll check out your page link now.

As a recovering Competitive Magic the Gathering player, this game is my jam. I love all things star wars and i LOVE CCGs. I just hope i dont get sucked in too hard to the competitive scene. I spent way too much money grinding PTQ's in Magic.

As a recovering Competitive Magic the Gathering player, this game is my jam. I love all things star wars and i LOVE CCGs. I just hope i dont get sucked in too hard to the competitive scene. I spent way too much money grinding PTQ's in Magic.

I find that playing at the local level is my happy middle ground. It's way less cutthroat but still scratches that tournament itch. I can play competitively with a deck that costs maybe $40, and I'm sure the same will be true with this game, maybe more so, depending on how popular it ends up being from store to store.

As a recovering Competitive Magic the Gathering player, this game is my jam. I love all things star wars and i LOVE CCGs. I just hope i dont get sucked in too hard to the competitive scene. I spent way too much money grinding PTQ's in Magic.

I find that playing at the local level is my happy middle ground. It's way less cutthroat but still scratches that tournament itch. I can play competitively with a deck that costs maybe $40, and I'm sure the same will be true with this game, maybe more so, depending on how popular it ends up being from store to store.

That's how i got my start. But I outgrew my local scene and I required more of a challenge. It got out of hand. I have a problem lol

Things i'm looking forward to in this game.

1st is the character teams. I love that you just pick 2 or 3 characters and go. AND you could play dark side versus dark side. Star wars games in the past has often been Dark side versus light side, then switch. You have to bring 2 decks to the table, I love that I just bring my team and deck that's it. Like Jango Fett and Bala Tik and maybe a Tusken Raider versus Vader and Ren. How awesome, love this!

2nd, and I never thought I'd say this, that it encompasses ALL the movies. That is awesomeness too

3rd, and surprising is depth of deck building. 30 card deck only 2 copies means at least 15 different cards, that's more deck freedom then some 50/60 card decks. (Star Wars LCG you pick 5 to 10 pods, Conquest 42 cards but up to 3 of.)

4th, fun with dice, this brings in some people who want a lighter 'funner' game

For me the detraction would be the collectable thing, but it's not that big of a detraction for me. I'll give my local store a 'wanted list' then should be good to go.

Is it November yet???

Things i'm looking forward to in this game.

1st is the character teams. I love that you just pick 2 or 3 characters and go. AND you could play dark side versus dark side. Star wars games in the past has often been Dark side versus light side, then switch. You have to bring 2 decks to the table, I love that I just bring my team and deck that's it. Like Jango Fett and Bala Tik and maybe a Tusken Raider versus Vader and Ren. How awesome, love this!

2nd, and I never thought I'd say this, that it encompasses ALL the movies. That is awesomeness too

3rd, and surprising is depth of deck building. 30 card deck only 2 copies means at least 15 different cards, that's more deck freedom then some 50/60 card decks. (Star Wars LCG you pick 5 to 10 pods, Conquest 42 cards but up to 3 of.)

4th, fun with dice, this brings in some people who want a lighter 'funner' game

For me the detraction would be the collectable thing, but it's not that big of a detraction for me. I'll give my local store a 'wanted list' then should be good to go.

Is it November yet???

This is really well said. Star Wars is ridiculously populated with fun characters--all of them seem to be someone's favorite--and to be able to play whoever I wish at any time is really attractive to me, especially as I really did enjoy the prequel era characters, as well. Rather than have to play LS vs DS, or Empire vs. Rebellion, you get to play however you want, and I think that's something that Star Wars games have needed for quite some time.

The CCG component seems to be the most often-discussed drawback, but like many of you, I like that idea. I like the idea of investment and surprise, of trading and shopping eBay, of grabbing a pack on a whim and finding a great card inside. $3.00 won't break the bank, and the number of the cards in each pack should help with the ease of access for some of them.

I've enjoyed SW:TCG and SW: Rebellion vs. Empire, but the dice look like the thing that provides that electric excitement that those other games sometimes don't have. It looks like a wide open, exciting game, and like the OP...I'm all in.

Edited by vandalDX