SOB Dungeon Leaders?

By Malicain, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have noticed that most of the leaders in the SOB dungeons if not all of them have their health and armor level's raised depending on the campaign level. The leaders in the RTL campaign do not have a stat increase based off of campaign level. My question is do you think it is safe to assume that it is ok to increase the stats on the RTL leaders when you play them in the SOB campaign? I do not have the cards with me at the moment so I can not give an example but if you are able to look at the dungeon cards I think you will understand my question.

I was thinking the same thing actually. I believe it would be safe to make the shift. Also, when playing a RtL campaign, I would also make the change if you are going to use SoB dungeon cards. Hell, I am even thinking of making the shift in my current campaign.

If anyone has done this, let us know how it has worked so far.

What sizes are the increases? There are some leaders in RtL with +12 or more bonus health, and doing that per tier would make them beastly (especially the lucky undying ones). If the increases in SoB are smaller, it would probably be better to include a sliding scale for that. Perhaps 50% of the increase at copper, 100% at silver, and 150% at gold. Though that's just a guesstimate. It'd be best to do some side-by-side comparisons and see how SoB leaders compare to RtL ones of the same type.

Also, keep in mind that conquest works differently in the two campaigns. When you make RtL leaders harder to kill you change the balance and make it easier for the overlord to get very far ahead and maintain that lead, something which SoB doesn't have to worry about.

In the current RtL campaign I have running now, we are using the divine favor rule to see how it works. So far, it seems to be doing pretty good.

does Divine Favour slow down the game in Copper. In copper it's pretty easy for the OL to get a good march on the Heroes and a +25-50 Conquest lead isn't unknown. As a consequence the OL will then get less Conquest but the challenge so there's less Conquest to go around per dungeon, meaning that the Copper Level might end up lasting longer as a result.

We have only done two dungeons, and so far, it seems okay. But yes, you do make a valid point of the copper lasting longer. Didn't consider that

For those of you interested if how the multiplier has worked with the RTL campaigns, I can say, fairly well. We're wrapping up our whole campaign in the next few weeks, and are around 515ish in points. I merged a lot of different house rules before we started several months back, some have worked, some have not. One of the rulings was to add extra health per campaign level (not creature upgrade level) but no extra armour, and here is how it played out.

Since we made several rule changes, I don't claim this to be an accurate result.

- Copper level doesn't factor in as there is no multiplier.

- Silver level it gave the leaders (we included dungeon and encounter leaders) a strong boost that made the heroes wary, but it was still doable. They had a healthy respect for them.

- Gold level, when you tell them "Leader X has 62 wounds and Undying" the players moan and worry that he will be impossible to beat. Once the fight actually begins we have had a character doing 23-24 damage on average per attack, with three attacks per turn due to the Knight skill, adding a fourth attack during several boss battles with a Feat card, and that's just a single character with Gold gear. Then there's the archer doing something like 16-18 damage per attack if memory serves me correctly, all of it aimed, all of it aimed a second time (insane!), at huge range, and then getting in three more attacks with Rapid Fire. And there are two more heroes still waiting to bring the pain after that. When the nasty Gold bosses came back with Undying, the players clutched their heads in agony, persevered, and brought him down again...a couple of times. When they finally took out Undying Gold bosses, they really felt like they accomplished something and everyone had a great time, which it's all about. So far they have only run from one Gold boss who had too much armour with Ironskin. And there have been plenty of non-Undying Gold bosses that they've steam-rolled in two turns.

Anyways, sticking to the old way of adding just +12 wounds to a Gold boss per the card in RTL is something we will never go back to doing. Even if every Gold boss has Undying (which they don't), and every Gold boss was upgraded to Diamond level (which they won't be), +12, +16, or +18 health are just a drop in the bucket for our Gold heroes over here.

Your mileage may vary.

Tom / Doc4



I told all the french players to adapt this SoB rule for the leaders (Dungeon and encounters!) to RTL like the +1 fatigue tokens instead of +2 and a few other ones!