Hi, Have you planned a translation in other languages and could we expect a simultaneus worldwide release of Arkham Horror?
Hi, Have you planned a translation in other languages and could we expect a simultaneus worldwide release of Arkham Horror?
Translate to Spanish language by Edge Enterprise is announced in its web.
And Heidelberger Spieleverlag confirmed a German release close to the FFG release.
There will be a Polish version from Galakta too.
Here in Brazil we'd REALLY LOVE a Brazilian Portuguese version, since we already have Eldritch Horror, recently got Elder Sign and will be proud to receive Mansions of Madness at the end of the year. Brazilian players really love the Arkham Files IP
There will be a Polish version from Galakta too.
Here in Brazil we'd REALLY LOVE a Brazilian Portuguese version, since we already have Eldritch Horror, recently got Elder Sign and will be proud to receive Mansions of Madness at the end of the year. Brazilian players really love the Arkham Files IP
Best of luck then!
How feasible is it to do fan translations? I mean, it's probably not that horrible to actually translate the text, but I imagine it's awkward to have to refer to another document instead of just being able to read the cards. Do people print out the translations on sticker labels and put them on the cards or something like that?
How feasible is it to do fan translations? I mean, it's probably not that horrible to actually translate the text, but I imagine it's awkward to have to refer to another document instead of just being able to read the cards. Do people print out the translations on sticker labels and put them on the cards or something like that?
I forced my friends to improve their English...
Some talented players use programs like Photoshop and the like to change the original text in cards, creating a "proxy" which is put inside sleeves with the original cards.It is a great amount of job, but when you like the game, you do it with pleasure.