What kind of gear do you recommend for KT forces in general and in a few specific cases if you wish to specify some?
You know in general i think a clip of kraken rounds and a clip of metal storm rounds are often a good buy. A humble bolter equipped with a fire selector and a clip of standard, kraken and metalstorm rounds becomes a very versatile weapon effective under many conditions. (BTW the cost of kraken clips was errata'ed up to 15 req. Sorry.)
The metal storm rounds make it potent against hordes and small concentrations of lightly armored rabble. The krakens make iteffective against even CSM filth and light to moderate vehicles . Plus the greater range makes it a fine sniping weapon, especially if you can get a scope. Best of all even a FNG tac marine who just fell off the turnip barge can usually get all of the above in almost every mission.
An assault Marine might want to lay out 2 points for a fire selector on his bolt pistol and 15 for metalstorm rounds. Again the metalstorm rounds are more effective on hordes. Plus the nice thing about a pistol with a fire selector is you don't have to ask the enemy to kindly give you a moment to reload when you're up close and personal with him. If you think you'll be taking on traior legions, necrons or monstrous 'nids krakens may be a better buy.
So what gear do you generally favor?